Protected NSW.
Thelymitra sp. is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Southern Highlands | Albury, Wodonga | South Coast | Riverina Murray | New South Wales North Coast | Hume | Gippsland | Grampians | Loddon Mallee | Tasmania | South West Western Australia | Goldfields
ANBG Aranda Bushland Bango Nature Reserve Black Mountain Bluetts Block (402, 403, 12, 11) Boro Bruce Ridge Bruce Ridge to Gossan Hill Bullen Range Cotter Reserve Cuumbeun Nature Reserve Dananbilla Nature Reserve Denman Prospect 2 Estate Deferred Area (Block 12) Deua National Park (CNM area) Dunlop Grasslands Fadden Hills Pond Farrer Ridge Flea Bog Flat, Bruce Ginninderry Conservation Corridor Goorooyarroo NR (ACT) Gossan Hill Goulburn Mulwaree Council Gungaderra Grasslands Hall Cemetery Isaacs Ridge Isaacs Ridge and Nearby Jedbinbilla Kambah Pool Kosciuszko National Park Little Taylor Grasslands McQuoids Hill Melrose Molonglo River Reserve Mongarlowe River Mount Ainslie Mount Jerrabomberra Mount Jerrabomberra QP Mount Majura Mount Mugga Mugga Mount Painter Mount Taylor Mt Holland MTR591 at Gundaroo Mulligans Flat Namadgi National Park Nunnock Swamp Old Tuggeranong TSR Pine Island to Point Hut Piney Ridge Pomaderris Nature Reserve Rob Roy Range Sherwood Forest South East Forest National Park Stirling Park Stony Creek Nature Reserve Tallaganda National Park Tallaganda State Forest The Pinnacle Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve Tinderry Nature Reserve Tuggeranong Hill Umbagong District Park Wanniassa Hill Wee Jasper State ForestSurvey points
Point 3131 Point 3232 Point 3506 Point 38 Point 3852 Point 4010 Point 4081 Point 4372 Point 4598 Point 4712 Point 4761 Point 4762 Point 5204 Point 57 Point 5805 Point 5809 Point 5810 Point 5816 Point 5819 Point 5822 Point 5825 Point 5830 Point 5831 Point 5834 Point 60 Point 604 Point 64 Point 88 Point 99Places
Acton, ACT Aranda, ACT Bruce, ACT Canberra Central, ACT Captains Flat, NSW Denman Prospect, ACT Dunlop, ACT Fadden, ACT Glen Allen, NSW Gungahlin, ACT Gunning, NSW Hackett, ACT Hawker, ACT Jerrabomberra, NSW Jingera, NSW Kaleen, ACT Latham, ACT Lawson, ACT Majura, ACT Molonglo Valley, ACT O'Connor, ACT Rendezvous Creek, ACT Stromlo, ACT Tallong, NSW Tinderry, NSW Uriarra Village, ACT Wallaroo, NSW Whitlam, ACT