Posted by Choyster
Here we've listed solutions to common issues and questions here.
Yes, we can help you bulk import any existing records, sightings or observations you may have recorded on other platforms.
Records that are bulk imported into NatureMapr will need to be re-identified through our expert moderator workflow.
This ensures that the data meets the standards required by our downstream data partners and can be used to contribute to decision making.
Please contact us and we'll be able to assist.
Hold down on the sighting (Android) or swipe left (iOS) and the delete button will appear.
On the sighting page of interest, click the 'Media usage request' button to formally request the original author's permission.
If the author approves your request, images can be cited in the following format:
User: username, NatureMapr
User's full name, NatureMapr
To ensure that your photo contains the appropriate geodata upload them to thisĀ EXIF viewer.
If you're still experiencing issues please contact us.
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