
I'm an eager birdwatcher active with COG, and have an interest in conservation, landcare and hiking in the Australian bush. I'm a member of various landcare and environmental groups such as the ANPSC and the Orchid Society. As well as birds, I'm interested in our native plants, and most of my sighting are of them (after all, birds are a bit too fast for my phone camera).

Moderator categories

NedJohnston is a moderator for the following categories:

Birds  |  Birds of prey Cuckoos Nocturnal Birds Other Birds Honeyeater Intermediate size Magpie or larger Small (Robin, Finch, Thornbill etc) Parrots Pigeons and Doves Water birds Colonial nesters (Herons, Cormorants, etc) Other Waterbirds (Crakes, Grebes, Gulls and Terns) Sea Birds Shorebirds Waterfowl (Ducks, Geese, Swans)

Plants  |  Cacti & Succulents Climbers & Mistletoes Daisies Ferns and Clubmosses Grasses Gum Trees Lilies & Irises Marine Water Plants Orchids Other Fresh Water Plants Other Shrubs Other Trees Other Wildflowers & Herbs Peas Rushes, Sedges & Mat Rushes Wattles

Page 12 of 31 - image sightings only

Ewartia nubigena (Silver Ewartia) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Ozothamnus alpinus (Alpine Everlasting) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Lycopodium fastigiatum (Alpine Club Moss) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Senecio pinnatifolius var. alpinus at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Blechnum penna-marina (Alpine Water Fern) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Oreomyrrhis brevipes (Rock Caraway) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Euphrasia collina subsp. diversicolor (Variable Eyebright) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Astelia alpina var. novae-hollandiae (Silver Astelia) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Psychrophila introloba (Alpine Marsh-marigold) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Diplaspis nivis (Snow Pennywort) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Richea continentis (Candle Heath) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Pentachondra pumila (Carpet Heath) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Melicytus angustifolius subsp. divaricatus (Divaricate Tree Violet) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Scleranthus biflorus (Twin-flower Knawel) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Grevillea australis (Alpine Grevillea) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Aciphylla glacialis (Mountain Celery) at Perisher Valley, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Plantago sp. (Plantain) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Achillea millefolium (Yarrow) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Tenebrionidae (family) (Darkling beetle) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Coccinellidae (family) (Unidentified lady beetle) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Cercophonius squama (Wood Scorpion) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Ranunculus anemoneus (Anemone Buttercup) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Pseudemoia entrecasteauxii (Woodland Tussock-skink) at Kosciuszko National Park, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Microseris lanceolata (Yam Daisy) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Pieris rapae (Cabbage White) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Cardamine lilacina (Lilac Bitter-cress) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. niphophila (Alpine Snow Gum) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Austrodectes monticolus (Australian shield-back katydid) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Senecio sp. (A Fireweed) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Scleranthus biflorus (Twin-flower Knawel) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Marchantia sp. (genus) (A Liverwort) at Kosciuszko National Park, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Nematolepis ovatifolia at Kosciuszko National Park, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Asperula pusilla (Alpine Woodruff) at Kosciuszko National Park, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Olearia brevipedunculata (Dusty Daisy Bush) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Paropsis atomaria (Eucalyptus leaf beetle) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Geranium potentilloides (Soft Crane's-bill) at Kosciuszko National Park, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Perelytrana sp. (genus) (A grasshopper) at Kosciuszko National Park, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Stellaria pungens (Prickly Starwort) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Tebenna micalis (Small Thistle Moth) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Leptinella filicula (Mountain Cotula) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Olearia phlogopappa subsp. serrata at Kosciuszko National Park, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. niphophila (Alpine Snow Gum) at Kosciuszko National Park, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Plantago euryphylla (A Plantain) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Euchiton sp. (A Cudweed) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Monistria concinna (Southern Pyrgomorph) at Kosciuszko National Park, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Gentianella cunninghamii subsp. cunninghamii (Cunningham's Snow Gentian) at Kosciuszko National Park, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Xerochrysum subundulatum (Alpine Everlasting) at Kosciuszko National Park, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Ranunculus graniticola (Granite Buttercup) at Kosciuszko National Park, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Brachyscome spathulata (Coarse Daisy, Spoon-leaved Daisy) at Kosciuszko National Park, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Richea continentis (Candle Heath) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Epacris petrophila (Snow Heath) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Kosciuscola cognatus (A grasshopper) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Podolepis robusta (Alpine Podolepis) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Dianella tasmanica (Tasman Flax Lily) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Persicaria lapathifolia (Pale Knotweed) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Polystichum proliferum (Mother Shield Fern) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Tasmannia xerophila subsp. xerophila (Alpine Pepperbush) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Blechnum penna-marina (Alpine Water Fern) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Lycopodium fastigiatum (Alpine Club Moss) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Kosciuscola cognatus (A grasshopper) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Scaevola hookeri (Creeping Fanflower) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Coronidium monticola (Mountain Button Everlasting) at Geehi, NSW - 16 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Prostanthera cuneata (Alpine Mint Bush) at Kosciuszko National Park, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Kosciuscola tristis (Chameleon Grasshopper) at Kosciuszko National Park, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Oxylobium ellipticum (Common Shaggy Pea) at Kosciuszko National Park, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Arkys walckenaeri (Triangle spider) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Telura sp. (genus) (A scarab beetle) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Anzoplana trilineata (A Flatworm) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Platyzosteria similis at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Limax maximus (Leopard Slug, Great Grey Slug) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Drymaplaneta communis (Eastern Wood Runner, Common Shining Cockroach) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Oxychilus alliarius (Garlic Snail) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Zodariidae (family) (Unidentified Ant spider or Spotted ground spider) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Gryllacrididae sp. (family) (Wood, Raspy or Leaf Rolling Cricket) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Rumex crispus (Curled Dock) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Mentha x piperita (Peppermint) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Kosciuscola cuneatus (A grasshopper) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Lomatia myricoides (River Lomatia) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Pomaderris phylicifolia subsp. ericoides (Narrow-leaf Pomaderris) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Daviesia mimosoides (Bitter Pea) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Asplenium flabellifolium (Necklace Fern) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Hakea lissosperma (Needle Bush) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Westringia lucida (Shining Westringia) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Grevillea lanigera (Woolly Grevillea) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Clematis aristata (Mountain Clematis) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Blechnum penna-marina (Alpine Water Fern) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Leptospermum grandifolium (Woolly Teatree, Mountain Tea-tree) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Kosciuscola cuneatus (A grasshopper) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Muehlenbeckia axillaris (Matted Lignum) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Acacia dealbata (Silver Wattle) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Veronica derwentiana (Derwent Speedwell) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Geranium solanderi (Native Geranium) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Malus sp. (Crab Apple) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. pauciflora (White Sally, Snow Gum) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Senecio linearifolius var. latifolius at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Olearia phlogopappa subsp. flavescens (Dusty Daisy Bush) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Cytisus scoparius subsp. scoparius (Scotch Broom, Broom, English Broom) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Potentilla recta (Sulphur Cinquefoil) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Acacia siculiformis (Dagger Wattle) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Lysimachia arvensis (Scarlet Pimpernel) at Jagungal Wilderness, NSW - 15 Apr 2022 by Ned_Johnston

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2,157,619 sightings of 19,989 species in 6,548 locations from 11,650 contributors
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We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of this land and acknowledge their continuing connection to their culture. We pay our respects to their Elders past and present.