
I'm an eager birdwatcher active with COG, and have an interest in conservation, landcare and hiking in the Australian bush. I'm a member of various landcare and environmental groups such as the ANPSC and the Orchid Society. As well as birds, I'm interested in our native plants, and most of my sighting are of them (after all, birds are a bit too fast for my phone camera).

Moderator categories

NedJohnston is a moderator for the following categories:

Birds  |  Birds of prey Cuckoos Nocturnal Birds Other Birds Honeyeater Intermediate size Magpie or larger Small (Robin, Finch, Thornbill etc) Parrots Pigeons and Doves Water birds Colonial nesters (Herons, Cormorants, etc) Other Waterbirds (Crakes, Grebes, Gulls and Terns) Sea Birds Shorebirds Waterfowl (Ducks, Geese, Swans)

Plants  |  Cacti & Succulents Climbers & Mistletoes Daisies Ferns and Clubmosses Grasses Gum Trees Lilies & Irises Marine Water Plants Orchids Other Fresh Water Plants Other Shrubs Other Trees Other Wildflowers & Herbs Peas Rushes, Sedges & Mat Rushes Wattles

Page 10 of 31 - image sightings only

Acacia implexa (Hickory Wattle, Lightwood) at Acton, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Grevillea sp. (Grevillea) at Acton, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Acacia baileyana (Cootamundra Wattle, Golden Mimosa) at Acton, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Chrysocephalum semipapposum (Clustered Everlasting) at Acton, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Trifolium repens (White Clover) at Acton, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Acacia ulicifolia (Prickly Moses) at O'Connor, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Stypandra glauca (Nodding Blue Lily) at O'Connor, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Pultenaea procumbens (Bush Pea) at Bruce, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Cryptandra amara (Bitter Cryptandra) at Aranda, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Gonocarpus tetragynus (Common Raspwort) at Aranda, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Galium aparine (Goosegrass, Cleavers) at Aranda, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Daucus glochidiatus (Australian Carrot) at Aranda, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Carex appressa (Tall Sedge) at Aranda, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Lysimachia arvensis (Scarlet Pimpernel) at Aranda, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Hydrocotyle laxiflora (Stinking Pennywort) at Aranda, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Melichrus urceolatus (Urn Heath) at Aranda, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Rubus anglocandicans (Blackberry) at Aranda, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Callitriche stagnalis (Common Starwort) at Aranda, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Grevillea alpina (Mountain Grevillea / Cat's Claws Grevillea) at Aranda, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Cyperus eragrostis (Umbrella Sedge) at Aranda, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Stellaria pungens (Prickly Starwort) at Aranda, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Indigofera australis subsp. australis (Australian Indigo) at Aranda, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Monotoca scoparia (Broom Heath) at Aranda, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Pimelea linifolia subsp. linifolia (Queen of the Bush, Slender Rice-flower) at Aranda, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Acacia dealbata (Silver Wattle) at Aranda, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Acacia buxifolia subsp. buxifolia (Box-leaf Wattle) at Aranda, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Brachyloma daphnoides (Daphne Heath) at Aranda, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Lomandra longifolia (Spiny-headed Mat-rush, Honey Reed) at Aranda, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Hakea decurrens (Bushy Needlewood) at Aranda, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Cassinia longifolia (Shiny Cassinia, Cauliflower Bush) at Aranda, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Leucopogon attenuatus (Small-leaved Beard Heath) at Aranda, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Cheilanthes sieberi (Rock Fern) at Aranda, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Billardiera heterophylla (Western Australian Bluebell Creeper) at Aranda, ACT - 18 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Dillwynia phylicoides (A Parrot-pea) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Acacia spectabilis (Pilliga Wattle, Glory Wattle) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Acacia gunnii (Ploughshare Wattle) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Grevillea sp. (Grevillea) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Grevillea sp. (Grevillea) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Chrysocephalum apiculatum (Common Everlasting) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Acacia longifolia subsp. longifolia (Sydney Golden Wattle) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Hovea heterophylla (Common Hovea) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Glycine clandestina (Twining Glycine) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Acacia rubida (Red-stemmed Wattle, Red-leaved Wattle) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Verbena incompta (Purpletop) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Hakea eriantha (Tree Hakea) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Agave americana (Century Plant) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Billardiera scandens (Hairy Apple Berry) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Vinca major (Blue Periwinkle) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Acacia cultriformis (Knife Leaf Wattle) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Clematis leptophylla (Small-leaf Clematis, Old Man's Beard) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Genista monspessulana (Cape Broom, Montpellier Broom) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Hardenbergia violacea (False Sarsaparilla) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Grevillea rosmarinifolia subsp. rosmarinifolia (Rosemary Grevillea) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata (African Olive) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Viola odorata (Sweet Violet, Common Violet) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Lonicera japonica (Japanese Honeysuckle) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Phyllostachys aurea (Rhizomatous Bamboo) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Acacia melanoxylon (Blackwood) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Pyracantha fortuneana (Firethorn) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Acacia genistifolia (Early Wattle) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Lavandula stoechas (Spanish Lavender or Topped Lavender) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Cardamine hirsuta (Common Bittercress, Hairy Woodcress) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Pyracantha angustifolia (Firethorn, Orange Firethorn) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Olearia microphylla (Olearia) at Bruce, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris (Silverbeat, Chard) at O'Connor, ACT - 17 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Spiraea cantoniensis (Bridalwreath Spirea, May Bush) at Dickson, ACT - 16 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Pterostylis pedunculata (Maroonhood) at Paddys River, ACT - 6 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Blechnum fluviatile (Way Water Fern) at Paddys River, ACT - 6 Aug 2022 by NedJohnston
Corysanthes grumula (Stately helmet orchid) at Paddys River, ACT - 6 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Acacia dealbata subsp. subalpina (Monaro Silver-wattle) at Paddys River, ACT - 6 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Coprosma hirtella (Currant Bush) at Paddys River, ACT - 6 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Pomaderris betulina subsp. actensis (Canberra Pomaderris) at Paddys River, ACT - 6 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Bunochilus sp. (Leafy Greenhood) at Paddys River, ACT - 6 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Oxylobium ellipticum (Common Shaggy Pea) at Paddys River, ACT - 6 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Acrotriche serrulata (Ground-berry) at Paddys River, ACT - 6 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Veronica calycina (Hairy Speedwell) at Paddys River, ACT - 6 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Pimelea sp. (Rice Flower) at Paddys River, ACT - 6 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Dichondra repens (Kidney Weed) at Paddys River, ACT - 6 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Pultenaea procumbens (Bush Pea) at Paddys River, ACT - 6 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Xanthorrhoea glauca subsp. angustifolia (Grey Grass-tree) at Paddys River, ACT - 6 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Hibbertia obtusifolia (Grey Guinea-flower) at Paddys River, ACT - 6 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Hovea heterophylla (Common Hovea) at Paddys River, ACT - 6 Aug 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Viburnum tinus (Laurustinus) at Dickson, ACT - 29 Jul 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Aviceda subcristata (Pacific Baza) at Red Hill, ACT - 28 Jul 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Tradescantia fluminensis (Trad, Wandering Jew) at O'Connor, ACT - 28 Jul 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Hibbertia obtusifolia (Grey Guinea-flower) at Paddys River, ACT - 26 Jun 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Craspedia variabilis (Common Billy Buttons) at Paddys River, ACT - 26 Jun 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Euphrasia collina (Purple Eye-bright) at Paddys River, ACT - 26 Jun 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Coronidium sp. at Paddys River, ACT - 26 Jun 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Rubus parvifolius (Native Raspberry) at Paddys River, ACT - 26 Jun 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Senecio linearifolius var. latifolius at Paddys River, ACT - 26 Jun 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Leionema lamprophyllum subsp. obovatum (Shiny Phebalium) at Paddys River, ACT - 26 Jun 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Grevillea diminuta at Paddys River, ACT - 26 Jun 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Oxylobium ellipticum (Common Shaggy Pea) at Cotter River, ACT - 26 Jun 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Scleranthus biflorus (Twin-flower Knawel) at Cotter River, ACT - 26 Jun 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Acrotriche leucocarpa (Tall Acrotriche) at Paddys River, ACT - 26 Jun 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Leucopogon fraseri (Sharp Beard-heath) at Cotter River, ACT - 26 Jun 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Philotheca myoporoides subsp. myoporoides (Long-leaf Waxflower) at Paddys River, ACT - 26 Jun 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Daviesia ulicifolia (Gorse Bitter-pea) at Paddys River, ACT - 26 Jun 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Acrotriche leucocarpa (Tall Acrotriche) at Cotter River, ACT - 26 Jun 2022 by Ned_Johnston

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2,157,619 sightings of 19,989 species in 6,548 locations from 11,650 contributors
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