Uncommon, breeding resident.
Anas castanea is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Southern Highlands | Albury, Wodonga | South Coast | Greater Sydney | Hunter Region | Riverina Murray | New South Wales North Coast | Greater Melbourne | Gippsland | Barwon South West | Greater Brisbane | Tasmania | South East South Australia
ANU Dickson Precinct ANU Garran Precinct Australian National University Budjan Galindji (Franklin Grassland) Reserve Callum Brae Campbell Park Woodland Central Molonglo City Renewal Authority Area Fyshwick Sewerage Treatment Plant Ginninderry Conservation Corridor Googong Foreshore Goulburn Mulwaree Council Goulburn Wetlands Gungaderra Creek Ponds Isabella Pond Jarramlee-West MacGregor Grasslands Jerrabomberra Wetlands Kama Lake Burley Griffin Central/East Lake Burley Griffin West Lanyon - northern section A.C.T. Lyneham Wetland Molonglo River Reserve Mount Ainslie Mount Ainslie to Black Mountain MTR591 at Gundaroo Mulligans Flat Sullivans Creek, Acton Sullivans Creek, Lyneham South Sullivans Creek, Turner Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve Tuggeranong Creek to Monash Grassland West Belconnen Pond Yerrabi PondSurvey points
CCG100: Woodland DamPlaces
Braidwood, NSW Bungendore, NSW Dunlop, ACT Fyshwick, ACT Gungahlin, ACT Lake Bathurst, NSW Monash, ACT Strathnairn, ACT