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Corunastylis clivicola (Rufous midge orchid) at Acton, ACT - 15 Feb 2022 by RobG1
Corunastylis cornuta (Horned Midge Orchid) at Acton, ACT - 15 Feb 2022 by RobG1
Corunastylis clivicola (Rufous midge orchid) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 15 Feb 2022 by RobG1
Diplodium atrans (Dark-tip greenhood) at Paddys River, ACT - 14 Feb 2022 by RobG1
Chiloglottis reflexa (Short-clubbed Wasp Orchid) at Paddys River, ACT - 14 Feb 2022 by RobG1
Chiloglottis reflexa (Short-clubbed Wasp Orchid) at Paddys River, ACT - 14 Feb 2022 by RobG1
Acianthus exsertus (Large Mosquito Orchid) at Paddys River, ACT - 13 Feb 2022 by RobG1
Diplodium ampliatum (Large Autumn Greenhood) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 10 Feb 2022 by RobG1
Diplodium fischii (Fisch's greenhood) at Cotter River, ACT - 5 Feb 2022 by RobG1
Corunastylis nuda (Tiny Midge Orchid) at Cotter River, ACT - 5 Feb 2022 by RobG1
Diplodium coccinum (Scarlet Greenhood) at Cotter River, ACT - 5 Feb 2022 by RobG1
Chiloglottis reflexa (Short-clubbed Wasp Orchid) at Acton, ACT - 1 Feb 2022 by RobG1
Corunastylis clivicola (Rufous midge orchid) at Acton, ACT - 1 Feb 2022 by RobG1
Calochilus therophilus (Late Beard Orchid) at Acton, ACT - 26 Dec 2021 by RobG1
Pterostylis falcata (Sickle Greenhood) at Paddys River, ACT - 14 Dec 2021 by RobG1
Thelymitra sp. (nuda complex) (Sun Orchid) at Paddys River, ACT - 4 Dec 2021 by RobG1
Thelymitra simulata (Graceful Sun-orchid) at Cotter River, ACT - 4 Dec 2021 by RobG1
Pterostylis monticola (Large Mountain Greenhood) at Paddys River, ACT - 2 Dec 2021 by RobG1
Diuris monticola (Highland Golden Moths) at Paddys River, ACT - 30 Nov 2021 by RobG1
Thelymitra alpina (Mountain Sun Orchid) at Paddys River, ACT - 30 Nov 2021 by RobG1
Thelymitra alpina (Mountain Sun Orchid) at Cotter River, ACT - 30 Nov 2021 by RobG1
Caleana minor (Small Duck Orchid) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 16 Nov 2021 by RobG1
Caladenia sp. (A Caladenia) at Stromlo, ACT - 15 Nov 2021 by RobG1
Caladenia sp. (A Caladenia) at Stromlo, ACT - 15 Nov 2021 by RobG1
Caleana major (Large Duck Orchid) at Jerrabomberra, NSW - 15 Nov 2021 by RobG1
Caleana minor (Small Duck Orchid) at Acton, ACT - 11 Nov 2021 by RobG1
Chiloglottis valida (Large Bird Orchid) at Cotter River, ACT - 8 Nov 2021 by RobG1
Chiloglottis sp. (A Bird/Wasp Orchid) at Cotter River, ACT - 8 Nov 2021 by RobG1
Caladenia alpina (Mountain Caps) at Cotter River, ACT - 8 Nov 2021 by RobG1
Caladenia carnea (Pink Fingers) at Paddys River, ACT - 1 Nov 2021 by RobG1
Caladenia carnea (Pink Fingers) at Paddys River, ACT - 31 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Calochilus platychilus (Purple Beard Orchid) at Denman Prospect, ACT - 29 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Calochilus platychilus (Purple Beard Orchid) at Stromlo, ACT - 29 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Thelymitra simulata (Graceful Sun-orchid) at Stromlo, ACT - 28 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Thelymitra juncifolia (Dotted Sun Orchid) at Stromlo, ACT - 28 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Thelymitra arenaria (Forest Sun Orchid) at Stromlo, ACT - 28 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Thelymitra peniculata (Blue Star Sun-orchid) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 28 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Microtis parviflora (Slender Onion Orchid) at Paddys River, ACT - 27 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Thelymitra peniculata (Blue Star Sun-orchid) at Paddys River, ACT - 27 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Thelymitra juncifolia (Dotted Sun Orchid) at Stromlo, ACT - 26 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Calochilus platychilus (Purple Beard Orchid) at Stromlo, ACT - 25 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Chiloglottis trapeziformis (Diamond Ant Orchid) at Acton, ACT - 25 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Thelymitra juncifolia (Dotted Sun Orchid) at Bruce, ACT - 24 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Thelymitra brevifolia (Short-leaf Sun Orchid) at Bruce, ACT - 24 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Diuris sulphurea (Tiger Orchid) at Stromlo, ACT - 22 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Caladenia alpina (Mountain Caps) at Cotter River, ACT - 21 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Diuris semilunulata (Late Leopard Orchid) at Cotter River, ACT - 21 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Chiloglottis valida (Large Bird Orchid) at Cotter River, ACT - 21 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Chiloglottis valida (Large Bird Orchid) at Cotter River, ACT - 21 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Chiloglottis valida (Large Bird Orchid) at Brindabella, NSW - 20 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Caladenia atrovespa (Green-comb Spider Orchid) at Bruce, ACT - 19 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Lyperanthus suaveolens (Brown Beaks) at Aranda, ACT - 19 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Caladenia cucullata (Lemon Caps) at Acton, ACT - 19 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Thelymitra pauciflora (Slender Sun Orchid) at Coree, ACT - 18 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Thelymitra pauciflora (Slender Sun Orchid) at Coree, ACT - 18 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Microtis unifolia (Common Onion Orchid) at Coree, ACT - 18 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Diuris punctata var. punctata (Purple Donkey Orchid) at Ainslie, ACT - 16 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Calochilus platychilus (Purple Beard Orchid) at Stromlo, ACT - 15 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Caladenia moschata (Musky Caps) at Acton, ACT - 15 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Caladenia moschata (Musky Caps) at Acton, ACT - 14 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Caladenia parva (Brown-clubbed Spider Orchid) at Coree, ACT - 11 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Thelymitra pauciflora (Slender Sun Orchid) at Stromlo, ACT - 10 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Diuris semilunulata (Late Leopard Orchid) at Denman Prospect, ACT - 10 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Diuris semilunulata (Late Leopard Orchid) at Coree, ACT - 9 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Glossodia major (Wax Lip Orchid) at Uriarra Village, ACT - 9 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Caladenia ustulata (Brown Caps) at Coree, ACT - 9 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Caladenia ustulata (Brown Caps) at Coree, ACT - 9 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Caladenia sp. (A Caladenia) at Uriarra Village, ACT - 9 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Caladenia ustulata (Brown Caps) at Coree, ACT - 9 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Caladenia parva (Brown-clubbed Spider Orchid) at Stromlo, ACT - 6 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Pterostylis curta (Blunt Greenhood) at Paddys River, ACT - 5 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Caladenia atrovespa (Green-comb Spider Orchid) at Acton, ACT - 5 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Caladenia moschata (Musky Caps) at Denman Prospect, ACT - 4 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Chiloglottis valida (Large Bird Orchid) at Tennent, ACT - 3 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Oligochaetochilus aciculiformis (Needle-point rustyhood) at Uriarra Village, ACT - 3 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Hymenochilus cycnocephalus (Swan greenhood) at Coree, ACT - 2 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Glossodia major (Wax Lip Orchid) at Coree, ACT - 1 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Caladenia fuscata (Dusky Fingers) at Coree, ACT - 1 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Caladenia ustulata (Brown Caps) at Coree, ACT - 1 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Caladenia parva (Brown-clubbed Spider Orchid) at Coree, ACT - 1 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Caladenia carnea (Pink Fingers) at Coree, ACT - 1 Oct 2021 by RobG1
Calochilus platychilus (Purple Beard Orchid) at Bruce, ACT - 30 Sep 2021 by RobG1
Lyperanthus suaveolens (Brown Beaks) at Bruce, ACT - 30 Sep 2021 by RobG1
Diuris sp. (hybrid) (Hybrid Donkey Orchid) at Stromlo, ACT - 28 Sep 2021 by RobG1
Diuris nigromontana (Black Mountain Leopard Orchid) at Acton, ACT - 27 Sep 2021 by RobG1
Diuris pardina (Leopard Doubletail) at Denman Prospect, ACT - 24 Sep 2021 by RobG1
Hymenochilus cycnocephalus (Swan greenhood) at Stromlo, ACT - 24 Sep 2021 by RobG1
Caladenia actensis (Canberra Spider Orchid) at Hackett, ACT - 23 Sep 2021 by RobG1
Glossodia major (Wax Lip Orchid) at Denman Prospect, ACT - 22 Sep 2021 by RobG1
Diuris pardina (Leopard Doubletail) at Stromlo, ACT - 22 Sep 2021 by RobG1
Chiloglottis trapeziformis (Diamond Ant Orchid) at Acton, ACT - 21 Sep 2021 by RobG1
Caladenia carnea (Pink Fingers) at Denman Prospect, ACT - 19 Sep 2021 by RobG1
Diuris pardina (Leopard Doubletail) at Stromlo, ACT - 13 Sep 2021 by RobG1
Caladenia fuscata (Dusky Fingers) at Denman Prospect, ACT - 11 Sep 2021 by RobG1
Diuris chryseopsis (Golden Moth) at Denman Prospect, ACT - 10 Sep 2021 by RobG1
Caladenia ustulata (Brown Caps) at Denman Prospect, ACT - 10 Sep 2021 by RobG1
Cyrtostylis reniformis (Common Gnat Orchid) at Acton, ACT - 9 Sep 2021 by RobG1
Hymenochilus cycnocephalus (Swan greenhood) at Kambah, ACT - 7 Sep 2021 by RobG1
Chiloglottis trapeziformis (Diamond Ant Orchid) at Acton, ACT - 3 Sep 2021 by RobG1
Cyanicula caerulea (Blue Fingers, Blue Fairies) at Denman Prospect, ACT - 28 Aug 2021 by RobG1

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