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Page 1 of 6 - image sightings only

Chrysocephalum semipapposum (Clustered Everlasting) at Souths TSR on Mountain Ash Road - 19 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Ozothamnus diosmifolius (Rice Flower, White Dogwood, Sago Bush) at Souths TSR on Mountain Ash Road - 19 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Bossiaea buxifolia (Matted Bossiaea) at Souths TSR on Mountain Ash Road - 19 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Brachyloma daphnoides (Daphne Heath) at Gundary, NSW - 18 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Drosera sp. (A Sundew) at Souths TSR on Mountain Ash Road - 18 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Kunzea ericoides (Burgan) at Souths TSR on Mountain Ash Road - 18 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Eucalyptus mannifera subsp. mannifera (Brittle Gum) at Souths TSR on Mountain Ash Road - 18 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Daviesia genistifolia (Broom Bitter Pea) at Souths TSR on Mountain Ash Road - 18 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Amyema miquelii (Box Mistletoe) at Souths TSR on Mountain Ash Road - 18 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Leucochrysum albicans subsp. tricolor (Hoary Sunray) at Souths TSR on Mountain Ash Road - 18 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Leptorhynchos squamatus at Souths TSR on Mountain Ash Road - 18 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Eucalyptus amplifolia subsp. amplifolia (Cabbage Gum) at Souths TSR on Mountain Ash Road - 18 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Eucalyptus cinerea subsp. cinerea (Argyle Apple) at Souths TSR on Mountain Ash Road - 18 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Melichrus urceolatus (Urn Heath) at Souths TSR on Mountain Ash Road - 18 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Eucalyptus amplifolia subsp. amplifolia (Cabbage Gum) at Souths TSR on Mountain Ash Road - 18 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Eucalyptus bridgesiana (Apple Box) at Souths TSR on Mountain Ash Road - 18 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Opercularia hispida (Hairy Stinkweed) at Souths TSR on Mountain Ash Road - 18 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Acacia decurrens (Green Wattle) at Souths TSR on Mountain Ash Road - 18 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Asperula conferta (Common Woodruff) at Souths TSR on Mountain Ash Road - 18 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Acacia genistifolia (Early Wattle) at Souths TSR on Mountain Ash Road - 18 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Pultenaea microphylla (Egg and Bacon Pea) at Souths TSR on Mountain Ash Road - 18 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Acacia melanoxylon (Blackwood) at Blue Range - 12 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Pomaderris eriocephala (Woolly-head Pomaderris) at Blue Range - 12 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Leionema lamprophyllum subsp. obovatum (Shiny Phebalium) at Brindabella National Park - 12 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Platysace lanceolata (Shrubby Platysace) at Brindabella National Park - 12 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Polyscias sambucifolia subsp. Short leaflets (V.Stajsic 196) Vic. Herbarium (Elderberry Panax, Ornamental Ash, Elderberry Ash) at Brindabella National Park - 12 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Acacia obliquinervia (Mountain Hickory) at Namadgi National Park - 12 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Monotoca scoparia (Broom Heath) at Namadgi National Park - 12 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Pomaderris phylicifolia subsp. ericoides (Narrow-leaf Pomaderris) at Namadgi National Park - 12 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Blechnum nudum (Fishbone Water Fern) at Namadgi National Park - 12 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Astrotricha ledifolia (Common Star-hair) at Namadgi National Park - 12 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Leptinella filicula (Mountain Cotula) at Namadgi National Park - 12 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Olearia erubescens (Silky Daisybush) at Namadgi National Park - 12 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Acrotriche leucocarpa (Tall Acrotriche) at Namadgi National Park - 12 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Polystichum proliferum (Mother Shield Fern) at Namadgi National Park - 12 Jun 2024 by RobG1
Histiopteris incisa (Bat's-Wing Fern) at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 29 May 2024 by RobG1
Blechnum sp. at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 29 May 2024 by RobG1
Daviesia ulicifolia subsp. ruscifolia (Broad-leaved Gorse Bitter Pea) at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 29 May 2024 by RobG1
Lissanthe strigosa subsp. subulata (Peach Heath) at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 29 May 2024 by RobG1
Poranthera microphylla (Small Poranthera) at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 29 May 2024 by RobG1
Olearia megalophylla (Large-leaf Daisy-bush) at QPRC LGA - 29 May 2024 by RobG1
Exocarpos strictus (Dwarf Cherry) at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 29 May 2024 by RobG1
Polyscias sambucifolia subsp. Short leaflets (V.Stajsic 196) Vic. Herbarium (Elderberry Panax, Ornamental Ash, Elderberry Ash) at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 29 May 2024 by RobG1
Eucalyptus nitens (Shining Gum) at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 29 May 2024 by RobG1
Lycopodium deuterodensum (Bushy Club Moss) at QPRC LGA - 29 May 2024 by RobG1
Stellaria pungens (Prickly Starwort) at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 29 May 2024 by RobG1
Polystichum proliferum (Mother Shield Fern) at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 29 May 2024 by RobG1
Eucalyptus fastigata (Brown Barrel) at QPRC LGA - 29 May 2024 by RobG1
Prostanthera phylicifolia (Spiked Mint-bush) at QPRC LGA - 29 May 2024 by RobG1
Oxylobium ellipticum (Common Shaggy Pea) at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 29 May 2024 by RobG1
Leucopogon gelidus at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 29 May 2024 by RobG1
Monotoca rotundifolia (Trailing Monotoca) at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 29 May 2024 by RobG1
Lomatia fraseri (Silky Lomatia, Tree Lomatia, Forest Lomatia) at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 29 May 2024 by RobG1
Gahnia subaequiglumis (Bog Saw-sedge) at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 29 May 2024 by RobG1
Nematolepis elliptica at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 25 May 2024 by RobG1
Boronia algida (Alpine Boronia) at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 25 May 2024 by RobG1
Kunzea badjaensis (Kunzea 'Badja Carpet') at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 25 May 2024 by RobG1
Viola improcera (Dwarf Violet) at QPRC LGA - 25 May 2024 by RobG1
Cassinia longifolia (Shiny Cassinia, Cauliflower Bush) at QPRC LGA - 25 May 2024 by RobG1
Oxylobium ellipticum (Common Shaggy Pea) at QPRC LGA - 25 May 2024 by RobG1
Leptospermum grandifolium at QPRC LGA - 25 May 2024 by RobG1
Eucalyptus nitens (Shining Gum) at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 25 May 2024 by RobG1
Prostanthera lasianthos at QPRC LGA - 25 May 2024 by RobG1
Geranium sp. (Geranium) at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 25 May 2024 by RobG1
Asplenium flabellifolium (Necklace Fern) at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 25 May 2024 by RobG1
Eucalyptus sp. (A Gum Tree) at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 25 May 2024 by RobG1
Grevillea oxyantha subsp. oxyantha (Kybean Grevillea) at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 25 May 2024 by RobG1
Eucalyptus fraxinoides (White Ash) at QPRC LGA - 25 May 2024 by RobG1
Platysace lanceolata (Shrubby Platysace) at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 25 May 2024 by RobG1
Eucalyptus fastigata (Brown Barrel) at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 25 May 2024 by RobG1
Acrothamnus hookeri (Mountain Beard Heath) at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 25 May 2024 by RobG1
Persoonia silvatica (Forest Geebung) at QPRC LGA - 25 May 2024 by RobG1
Monotoca scoparia (Broom Heath) at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 25 May 2024 by RobG1
Goodenia hederacea subsp. alpestris at QPRC LGA - 25 May 2024 by RobG1
Lomatia myricoides (River Lomatia) at QPRC LGA - 25 May 2024 by RobG1
Acacia obliquinervia (Mountain Hickory) at Deua National Park (CNM area) - 25 May 2024 by RobG1
Persoonia asperula (Geebung) at QPRC LGA - 25 May 2024 by RobG1
Stylidium armeria subsp. armeria (Trigger Plant) at QPRC LGA - 25 May 2024 by RobG1
Diplodium truncatum (Little Dumpies, Brittle Greenhood) at Marulan, NSW - 8 Apr 2024 by RobG1
Comesperma defoliatum (Leafless Milkwort) at Marulan, NSW - 8 Apr 2024 by RobG1
Lagenophora gracilis (Slender Lagenophora) at Marulan, NSW - 8 Apr 2024 by RobG1
Calytrix tetragona (Common Fringe-myrtle) at Marulan, NSW - 8 Apr 2024 by RobG1
Microtis parviflora (Slender Onion Orchid) at QPRC LGA - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Spiranthes australis (Austral Ladies Tresses) at QPRC LGA - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Coronidium monticola (Mountain Button Everlasting) at Tallaganda State Forest - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Pittosporum bicolor (Banyalla) at QPRC LGA - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Blechnum penna-marina subsp. alpina (Alpine Water Fern) at QPRC LGA - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Gahnia sieberiana (Red-fruit Saw-sedge) at QPRC LGA - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Eucalyptus nitens (Shining Gum) at QPRC LGA - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Senecio linearifolius var. arachnoideus (Cobweb Fireweed Groundsel) at QPRC LGA - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Brachyscome spathulata (Coarse Daisy, Spoon-leaved Daisy) at Gourock National Park - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Lagenophora stipitata (Common Lagenophora) at Tallaganda National Park - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Polyscias sambucifolia subsp. Short leaflets (V.Stajsic 196) Vic. Herbarium (Elderberry Panax, Ornamental Ash, Elderberry Ash) at Tallaganda National Park - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Acrothamnus hookeri (Mountain Beard Heath) at Tallaganda National Park - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Polyscias sambucifolia subsp. Short leaflets (V.Stajsic 196) Vic. Herbarium (Elderberry Panax, Ornamental Ash, Elderberry Ash) at Anembo, NSW - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Clematis aristata (Mountain Clematis) at Anembo, NSW - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Senecio biserratus (Jagged Fireweed) at Gourock National Park - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Olearia megalophylla (Large-leaf Daisy-bush) at Gourock National Park - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Leptinella filicula (Mountain Cotula) at Gourock National Park - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Cynoglossum australe (Australian Forget-me-not) at Tallaganda State Forest - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1

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