Cheilanthes sieberi subsp. sieberi is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Southern Highlands | Albury, Wodonga | South Coast | Hunter Region | Central West NSW | Riverina Murray | Far West New South Wales
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Ainslie volcanic grassland Aranda Bushland Bango Nature Reserve Black Mountain Blue Gum Point to Attunga Bay Bluetts Block (402, 403, 12, 11) Bruce Ridge Bruce Ridge to Gossan Hill Budjan Galindji (Franklin Grassland) Reserve Bullen Range Bungonia National Park Caladenia Forest, O'Connor Cooleman Ridge Cuumbeun Nature Reserve Dananbilla Nature Reserve Denman Prospect 2 Estate Deferred Area (Block 12) Farrer Ridge Federal Golf Course Flea Bog Flat to Emu Creek Corridor Gigerline Nature Reserve Ginninderry Conservation Corridor Gorman Road Bush Reserve, Goulburn Goulburn Mulwaree Council Gundary TSR Higgins Woodland Illilanga & Baroona Isaacs Ridge Isaacs Ridge and Nearby Jindalee National Park Kama Kuringa Woodlands Lake Burley Griffin West Lower Molonglo Lyneham Ridge Mawson Ponds Mcleods Creek Res (Gundaroo) Molonglo River Reserve Mongarlowe River Mount Ainslie Mount Ainslie to Black Mountain Mount Jerrabomberra Mount Jerrabomberra QP Mount Majura Mount Mugga Mugga Mount Painter Mount Pleasant Mount Rogers Mount Taylor Namadgi National Park Nimmitabel Meatworks TSR Oakey Hill O'Connor Ridge to Gungahlin Grasslands Pine Island to Point Hut Piney Ridge Red Hill Nature Reserve Scrivener Hill Simpsons Hill Stirling Park The Pinnacle The Ridgeway Reserve Tinderry Mountains Tuggeranong Hill Tuggeranong Pines Umbagong District Park Urambi Hills Uriarra Recreation Reserve Wanniassa Hill Watson Green SpacePlaces
Bruce, ACT Cavan, NSW Chapman, ACT Chisholm, ACT Cooma, NSW Fraser, ACT Garran, ACT Greenway, ACT Gundaroo, NSW Hall, ACT Hawker, ACT Higgins, ACT Jerrabomberra, NSW Mawson, ACT Pialligo, ACT Strathnairn, ACT Taylors Flat, NSW Tharwa, ACT Theodore, ACT Yass River, NSW