Chromelosporium and Ostracoderma colonies are furry, somewhat mould-like and commonly appear on soil. The fruitbodies are branched and the branches fork repeatedly to produce very fine, feathery extremities around a colony of either genus. The initial colour is white but changes to some shade of brown with age.
There are other mouldy growths on soil and a guaranteed identification is possibly only after a microscopic examination. However, a very good close-up photograph that shows the feathery extremities of a white to brownish colony is strong evidence in favour of Chromelosporium/Ostracoderma, but remember that any photo-based identification is at best 'highly plausible'.
Chromelosporium/Ostracoderma sp. is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Southern Highlands | South Coast
ANBG Boro Tidbinbilla Nature ReservePlaces
Acton, ACT