Cosmopolitan across Australia where it occurs in every jurisdiction; also native to New Zealand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Myanmar, Philippines, China and the Russian Far East (Sakhalin and Primorye).Typha orientalis is a wetland plant that grows on the edges of ponds, lakes, salt marshes, and slow flowing rivers and streams.
Typha orientalis is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Southern Highlands | Albury, Wodonga | South Coast | New South Wales North Coast | Greater Brisbane | Darling Downs
Ngunnawal language
Aranda Bushland Bango Nature Reserve Bruce Ridge to Gossan Hill Bullen Range Coombs Ponds Flea Bog Flat, Bruce Googong Foreshore Gordon Pond Jerrabomberra Wetlands Kowen Escarpment Lake Burley Griffin West Lions Youth Haven - Westwood Farm A.C.T. Lower Cotter Catchment Namadgi National Park Pine Island to Point Hut Point Hut Pond Rob Roy Range Stranger Pond Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve Urambi Hills Wanniassa HillPlaces
Kambah, ACT