Rare, non-breeding visitor.
Phalacrocorax varius is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Albury, Wodonga | South Coast | Greater Sydney | Hunter Region | Riverina Murray | Far West New South Wales | New South Wales North Coast | Hume | Gippsland | Barwon South West | Greater Brisbane | Darling Downs | South West Queensland | Central West Queensland | Wide Bay | Mackay | North Queensland | Tasmania | South East South Australia | Mid West Western Australia | South West Western Australia
ANBG ANU Dickson Precinct Australian National University Central Molonglo Commonwealth & Kings Parks Dickson Wetland Dickson Wetland Corridor Fyshwick Sewerage Treatment Plant Giralang Wetlands Googong Foreshore Googong Reservoir Goulburn Mulwaree Council Jerrabomberra Wetlands Lake Burley Griffin Central/East Lake Burley Griffin West Lake Ginninderra Lake Tuggeranong Mount Ainslie to Black Mountain Namadgi National Park National Zoo and Aquarium Percival Hill Stranger Pond Tallaganda State Forest The Pinnacle Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve West Belconnen Pond Yerrabi PondPlaces
Dunlop, ACT Fyshwick, ACT Kingston, ACT Lake George, NSW Lawson, ACT