Aranda Bushland sightings


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Page 7 of 50 - image sightings only

Scoparia spelaea (a Crambid moth) at Aranda Bushland - 13 Oct 2023 by CathB
Bunochilus umbrinus (Broad-sepaled Leafy Greenhood) at Aranda Bushland - 13 Oct 2023 by CathB
Ditropidus pulchellus (Leaf beetle) at Aranda Bushland - 13 Oct 2023 by CathB
Lophyrotoma analis (Sawfly, Ironbark Sawfly) at Belconnen, ACT - 11 Oct 2023 by CathB
Callocephalon fimbriatum (Gang-gang Cockatoo) at Aranda Bushland - 11 Oct 2023 by CathB
Ripiphoridae (family) (Wedge-shaped beetle) at Aranda Bushland - 11 Oct 2023 by CathB
Trichophthalma laetilinea (Tangled Vein Fly) at Aranda Bushland - 9 Oct 2023 by CathB
Caladenia ustulata (Brown Caps) at Aranda Bushland - 9 Oct 2023 by CathB
Braconidae (family) (Unidentified braconid wasp) at Aranda Bushland - 9 Oct 2023 by CathB
Diuris nigromontana (Black Mountain Leopard Orchid) at Aranda Bushland - 8 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Glossodia major (Wax Lip Orchid) at Aranda Bushland - 8 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Caladenia ustulata (Brown Caps) at Aranda Bushland - 8 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Caladenia carnea (Pink Fingers) at Aranda Bushland - 8 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Porrostoma sp. (genus) (Lycid, Net-winged beetle) at Aranda Bushland - 8 Oct 2023 by CathB
Diuris sulphurea (Tiger Orchid) at Aranda Bushland - 8 Oct 2023 by CathB
Tachinidae (family) (Unidentified Bristle fly) at Aranda Bushland - 8 Oct 2023 by CathB
Calochilus montanus (Copper Beard Orchid) at Aranda Bushland - 8 Oct 2023 by CathB
Myosotis discolor (Forget-me-not) at Aranda Bushland - 6 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Caladenia sp. (A Caladenia) at Aranda Bushland - 6 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Prunus laurocerasus at Aranda Bushland - 6 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Caladenia ustulata (Brown Caps) at Aranda Bushland - 6 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Ligustrum sinense (Narrow-leaf Privet, Chinese Privet) at Aranda Bushland - 6 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Pultenaea procumbens (Bush Pea) at Aranda Bushland - 6 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Tiliqua scincoides scincoides (Eastern Blue-tongue) at Aranda Bushland - 6 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Olearia lirata (Snowy Daisybush) at Aranda Bushland - 6 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Dodonaea viscosa subsp. spatulata (Broad-leaved Hop Bush) at Aranda Bushland - 6 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Pterostylis nutans (Nodding Greenhood) at Aranda Bushland - 6 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Lomandra multiflora (Many-flowered Matrush) at Aranda Bushland - 6 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Wahlenbergia stricta subsp. stricta (Tall Bluebell) at Aranda Bushland - 6 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Xerochrysum viscosum (Sticky Everlasting) at Aranda Bushland - 5 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Diuris nigromontana (Black Mountain Leopard Orchid) at Aranda Bushland - 5 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Thysanotus patersonii (Twining Fringe Lily) at Aranda Bushland - 5 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Pogona barbata (Eastern Bearded Dragon) at Aranda Bushland - 2 Oct 2023 by CathB
Eutorna tricasis (A Depressariid moth) at Aranda Bushland - 2 Oct 2023 by CathB
Philenora irregularis (Lithosiini) at Aranda Bushland - 2 Oct 2023 by CathB
Pseudostoreus placitus at Aranda Bushland - 2 Oct 2023 by CathB
Arsipoda laeviceps (a red-legged flea beetle) at Aranda Bushland - 2 Oct 2023 by CathB
Polytrichum commune at Aranda Bushland - 2 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Acaena x ovina (Sheep's Burr) at Aranda Bushland - 2 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Plebs eburnus (Eastern bush orb-weaver) at Aranda Bushland - 2 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Diuris sulphurea (Tiger Orchid) at Aranda Bushland - 2 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Cyathea australis subsp. australis at Aranda Bushland - 2 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Hakea salicifolia (Willow-leaved Hakea) at Aranda Bushland - 2 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Stylidium sp. (Trigger Plant) at Aranda Bushland - 2 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Dillwynia sericea (Egg And Bacon Peas) at Aranda Bushland - 2 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Diuris nigromontana (Black Mountain Leopard Orchid) at Aranda Bushland - 2 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Galium gaudichaudii (Rough Bedstraw) at Aranda Bushland - 2 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Oxalis sp. (Wood Sorrel) at Aranda Bushland - 2 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Brachyscome rigidula (Hairy Cut-leaf Daisy) at Aranda Bushland - 2 Oct 2023 by lbradley
Castiarina decemmaculata (Ten-spot Jewel Beetle) at Aranda Bushland - 2 Oct 2023 by CathB
Caladenia moschata (Musky Caps) at Aranda Bushland - 2 Oct 2023 by CathB
Callocephalon fimbriatum (Gang-gang Cockatoo) at Aranda Bushland - 1 Oct 2023 by CathB
Papyrius sp. (genus) (A Coconut Ant) at Aranda Bushland - 1 Oct 2023 by CathB
Thelymitra carnea (Tiny Sun Orchid) at Aranda Bushland - 1 Oct 2023 by CathB
Calochilus platychilus (Purple Beard Orchid) at Aranda Bushland - 1 Oct 2023 by CathB
Harpobittacus australis (Hangingfly) at Aranda Bushland - 1 Oct 2023 by CathB
Lyperanthus suaveolens (Brown Beaks) at Aranda Bushland - 30 Sep 2023 by CathB
Callocephalon fimbriatum (Gang-gang Cockatoo) at Aranda Bushland - 30 Sep 2023 by CathB
Vittadinia muelleri (Narrow-leafed New Holland Daisy) at Aranda Bushland - 30 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Hibbertia calycina (Lesser Guinea-flower) at Aranda Bushland - 30 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Hibbertia calycina (Lesser Guinea-flower) at Aranda Bushland - 30 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Euchiton japonicus (Creeping Cudweed) at Aranda Bushland - 30 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Caladenia carnea (Pink Fingers) at Aranda Bushland - 30 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Acacia baileyana (Cootamundra Wattle, Golden Mimosa) at Aranda Bushland - 30 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Pterostylis sp. (A Greenhood) at Aranda Bushland - 30 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Hypochaeris glabra (Smooth Catsear) at Aranda Bushland - 30 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Pterostylis sp. (A Greenhood) at Aranda Bushland - 30 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Drosera auriculata (Tall Sundew) at Aranda Bushland - 30 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Diuris nigromontana (Black Mountain Leopard Orchid) at Aranda Bushland - 30 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Acaena x ovina (Sheep's Burr) at Aranda Bushland - 30 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Luzula meridionalis (Common Woodrush) at Aranda Bushland - 30 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Luzula ovata (Pyramid Woodrush) at Aranda Bushland - 30 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Poranthera microphylla (Small Poranthera) at Aranda Bushland - 29 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Caladenia moschata (Musky Caps) at Aranda Bushland - 29 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Luzula densiflora (Dense Wood-rush) at Aranda Bushland - 29 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Chara sp. (genus) (A charophyte green algae) at Aranda Bushland - 29 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Stackhousia monogyna (Creamy Candles) at Aranda Bushland - 29 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Plantago varia (Native Plaintain) at Aranda Bushland - 29 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Uresiphita ornithopteralis (Tree Lucerne Moth) at Aranda Bushland - 28 Sep 2023 by CathB
Corysanthes hispida (Bristly Helmet Orchid) at Aranda Bushland - 28 Sep 2023 by CathB
Lyperanthus suaveolens (Brown Beaks) at Aranda Bushland - 28 Sep 2023 by CathB
Chalcidoidea (superfamily) (A gall wasp or Chalcid wasp) at Aranda Bushland - 27 Sep 2023 by CathB
Strepsicrates macropetana (Eucalyptus Leafroller) at Aranda Bushland - 26 Sep 2023 by CathB
Glossodia major (Wax Lip Orchid) at Aranda Bushland - 26 Sep 2023 by CathB
Calomela moorei (Acacia Leaf Beetle) at Aranda Bushland - 26 Sep 2023 by CathB
Callocephalon fimbriatum (Gang-gang Cockatoo) at Aranda Bushland - 24 Sep 2023 by LydiaB
Corysanthes incurva (Slaty Helmet Orchid) at Aranda Bushland - 23 Sep 2023 by CathB
Epilobium sp. (A Willow Herb) at Aranda Bushland - 23 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Asperula conferta (Common Woodruff) at Aranda Bushland - 23 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Austrolestes leda (Wandering Ringtail) at Aranda Bushland - 23 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Trifolium subterraneum (Subterranean Clover) at Aranda Bushland - 23 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Triptilodiscus pygmaeus (Annual Daisy) at Aranda Bushland - 23 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Parentucellia latifolia (Red Bartsia) at Aranda Bushland - 23 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Parmeliaceae (family) at Aranda Bushland - 23 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Bossiaea buxifolia (Matted Bossiaea) at Aranda Bushland - 23 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Rumex acetosella (Sheep Sorrel) at Aranda Bushland - 23 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Ranunculus lappaceus (Australian Buttercup) at Aranda Bushland - 23 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Craspedia variabilis (Common Billy Buttons) at Aranda Bushland - 23 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Poranthera microphylla (Small Poranthera) at Aranda Bushland - 22 Sep 2023 by lbradley
Microseris walteri (Yam Daisy, Murnong) at Aranda Bushland - 22 Sep 2023 by lbradley

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