Woodstock Nature Reserve sightings


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Bidens subalternans (Greater Beggars Ticks) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 8 Apr 2024 by Rosie
Crowea exalata subsp. exalata (Small Crowea) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 13 Feb 2024 by samreid007
Carex inversa (Knob Sedge) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 8 Nov 2023 by JaneR
Correa reflexa (Common Correa, Native Fuchsia) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 8 Nov 2023 by JaneR
Bolboschoenus fluviatilis (Marsh Club-rush) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 8 Nov 2023 by JaneR
Schoenus apogon (Common Bog Sedge) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 8 Nov 2023 by JaneR
Gratiola peruviana (Australian Brooklime) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 8 Nov 2023 by JaneR
Modiola caroliniana (Red-flowered Mallow) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 8 Nov 2023 by JaneR
Isotoma fluviatilis subsp. australis (Swamp Isotome) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 8 Nov 2023 by JaneR
Lythrum hyssopifolia (Small Loosestrife) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 8 Nov 2023 by JaneR
Juncus bufonius (Toad Rush) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 8 Nov 2023 by JaneR
Limosella australis (Austral Mudwort) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 8 Nov 2023 by JaneR
Myriophyllum verrucosum (Red Water-milfoil) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 8 Nov 2023 by JaneR
Ranunculus muricatus (Sharp Buttercup) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 8 Nov 2023 by JaneR
Cyperus eragrostis (Umbrella Sedge) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 8 Nov 2023 by JaneR
Centipeda minima (Spreading Sneezeweed) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 8 Nov 2023 by JaneR
Conium maculatum (Hemlock) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 8 Nov 2023 by JaneR
Myosotis laxa subsp. caespitosa (Water Forget-me-not) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 8 Nov 2023 by JaneR
Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum (Watercress) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 8 Nov 2023 by JaneR
Ludwigia palustris (Marsh Purslane) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 8 Nov 2023 by JaneR
Ranunculus sceleratus subsp. sceleratus (Celery-leaved Buttercup, Celery Buttercup) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 8 Nov 2023 by JaneR
Veronica anagallis-aquatica (Blue Water Speedwell) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 8 Nov 2023 by JaneR
Eschscholzia californica (California Poppy) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 8 Nov 2023 by JaneR
Papaver aculeatum (Bristle Poppy) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 3 Oct 2023 by Steve_Bok
Nassella trichotoma (Serrated Tussock) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 30 Sep 2023 by MattM
Westringia eremicola (Slender Western Rosemary) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 30 Sep 2023 by MattM
Pultenaea spinosa (Spiny Bush-pea, Grey Bush-pea) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 30 Sep 2023 by MattM
Calytrix tetragona (Common Fringe-myrtle) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 30 Sep 2023 by MattM
Amyema cambagei (Sheoak Mistletoe) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 30 Sep 2023 by MattM
Pomaderris angustifolia (Pomaderris) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 30 Sep 2023 by MattM
Gynatrix pulchella (Hemp Bush) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 30 Sep 2023 by MattM
Eschscholzia californica (California Poppy) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 30 Sep 2023 by MattM
Stackhousia monogyna (Creamy Candles) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 24 Sep 2023 by Steve_Bok
Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum (Watercress) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 24 Sep 2023 by Steve_Bok
Araujia sericifera (Moth Plant) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 24 Sep 2023 by SteveBorkowskis
Eschscholzia californica (California Poppy) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 24 Sep 2023 by Steve_Bok
Calotis lappulacea (Yellow Burr Daisy) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 24 Sep 2023 by Steve_Bok
Diuris pardina (Leopard Doubletail) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 23 Sep 2023 by VanceLawrence
Pomaderris angustifolia (Pomaderris) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 6 Sep 2023 by Dibble
Bertya rosmarinifolia (Rosemary Bertya) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 10 Mar 2023 by MattM
Bidens subalternans (Greater Beggars Ticks) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 12 Feb 2023 by trevorpreston
Bidens subalternans (Greater Beggars Ticks) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 12 Feb 2023 by trevorpreston
Azolla pinnata (Ferny Azolla) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 12 Feb 2023 by trevorpreston
Elatine gratioloides (Waterwort) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 12 Feb 2023 by trevorpreston
Marrubium vulgare (Horehound) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 26 Jan 2023 by VanceLawrence
Epilobium hirtigerum (Hairy Willowherb) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 6 Jan 2023 by Tapirlord
Dichelachne crinita (Long-hair Plume Grass) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 6 Jan 2023 by Tapirlord
Correa reflexa var. reflexa (Common Correa, Native Fuchsia) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 6 Jan 2023 by Tapirlord
Scutellaria humilis (Dwarf Skullcap) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 6 Jan 2023 by Tapirlord
Pultenaea spinosa (Spiny Bush-pea, Grey Bush-pea) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 6 Jan 2023 by Tapirlord
Callitris endlicheri (Black Cypress Pine) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 6 Jan 2023 by Tapirlord
Eucalyptus macrorhyncha (Red Stringybark) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 6 Jan 2023 by Tapirlord
Pomaderris betulina subsp. actensis (Canberra Pomaderris) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 6 Jan 2023 by Tapirlord
Cyperus sanguinolentus (A Sedge) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 6 Jan 2023 by Tapirlord
Eleocharis atricha (Tuber Spikerush) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 6 Jan 2023 by Tapirlord
Pomaderris subcapitata at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 6 Jan 2023 by Tapirlord
Westringia eremicola (Slender Western Rosemary) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 6 Jan 2023 by Tapirlord
Pomaderris angustifolia (Pomaderris) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 6 Jan 2023 by Tapirlord
Pomaderris subcapitata at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 6 Jan 2023 by Tapirlord
Eschscholzia californica (California Poppy) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 3 Jan 2023 by Steve_Bok
Echium vulgare (Vipers Bugloss) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 20 Dec 2022 by JohnBundock
Ajuga australis (Austral Bugle) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 17 Nov 2022 by SandraH
Hibbertia obtusifolia (Grey Guinea-flower) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 5 Nov 2022 by Dora
Kunzea ericoides (Burgan) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 5 Nov 2022 by Dora
Hypochaeris glabra (Smooth Catsear) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 5 Nov 2022 by Dora
Wahlenbergia multicaulis (Tadgell's Bluebell) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 5 Nov 2022 by Dora
Casuarina cunninghamiana subsp. cunninghamiana (River She-Oak, River Oak) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 5 Nov 2022 by Dora
Kunzea ericoides (Burgan) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 5 Nov 2022 by Dora
Eschscholzia californica (California Poppy) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 5 Nov 2022 by Dora
Tolpis barbata (Yellow Hawkweed) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 5 Nov 2022 by Dora
Orobanche minor (Broomrape) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 2 Nov 2022 by Jimmyjamjimbles
Pomaderris betulina subsp. actensis (Canberra Pomaderris) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 13 Oct 2022 by RobG1
Clematis leptophylla (Small-leaf Clematis, Old Man's Beard) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 4 Oct 2022 by JohnBundock
Bertya rosmarinifolia (Rosemary Bertya) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 5 Sep 2022 by Ange
Cymbonotus sp. (preissianus or lawsonianus) (Bears Ears) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 1 Sep 2022 by HughCo
Amyema cambagei (Sheoak Mistletoe) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 10 Jun 2022 by JaneCarter
Amyema cambagei (Sheoak Mistletoe) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 10 Jun 2022 by JaneCarter
Bidens sp. (Cobbler's Pegs, Farmer's Friend) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 13 Apr 2022 by AlisonMilton
Verbascum thapsus subsp. thapsus (Great Mullein, Aaron's Rod) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 9 Apr 2022 by Christine
Sporobolus creber (Slender Rat's Tail Grass) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 29 Mar 2022 by abread111
Dittrichia graveolens (Stinkwort) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 29 Mar 2022 by abread111
Calotis lappulacea (Yellow Burr Daisy) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 29 Mar 2022 by abread111
Bidens subalternans (Greater Beggars Ticks) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 29 Mar 2022 by abread111
Diuris dendrobioides (Late Mauve Doubletail) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 24 Nov 2021 by JennyVV
Wurmbea dioica subsp. dioica (Early Nancy) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 17 Nov 2021 by AJB
Diuris dendrobioides (Late Mauve Doubletail) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 10 Nov 2021 by Wendyp5
Diuris dendrobioides (Late Mauve Doubletail) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 6 Nov 2021 by Rebeccajgee
Diuris punctata var. punctata (Purple Donkey Orchid) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 12 Oct 2021 by Jholeana
Argemone ochroleuca subsp. ochroleuca (Mexican Poppy, Prickly Poppy) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 12 Oct 2021 by JohnBundock
Caladenia carnea (Pink Fingers) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 11 Oct 2021 by JohnBundock
Diuris punctata var. punctata (Purple Donkey Orchid) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 11 Oct 2021 by Rebeccajgee
Calotis lappulacea (Yellow Burr Daisy) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 11 Oct 2021 by Christine
Amyema pendula subsp. pendula (Drooping Mistletoe) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 1 Oct 2021 by Christine
Calotis lappulacea (Yellow Burr Daisy) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 23 Sep 2021 by tpreston
Wurmbea dioica subsp. dioica (Early Nancy) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 3 Sep 2021 by Christine
Acacia rubida (Red-stemmed Wattle, Red-leaved Wattle) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 1 Sep 2021 by tpreston
Euphorbia lathyris (Caper Spurge) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 22 Apr 2021 by Ned_Johnston
Fumaria sp. (Fumitory) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 22 Apr 2021 by Ned_Johnston
Ludwigia palustris (Marsh Purslane) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 22 Apr 2021 by Ned_Johnston
Saponaria officinalis (Soapwort, Bouncing Bet) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 22 Apr 2021 by Ned_Johnston

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Woodstock Nature Reserve
  • Area (hectares) 315.38 ha
  • Survey Effort Score (SES) 21.29 sightings per ha

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