MTR591 at Gundaroo sightings


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Acianthus sp. (Mayflower Orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 1 May 2024 by MaartjeSevenster
Corunastylis clivicola (Rufous midge orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 29 Feb 2024 by MaartjeSevenster
Corunastylis clivicola (Rufous midge orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 16 Jan 2024 by MaartjeSevenster
Kickxia elatine subsp. crinita (Twining Toadflax) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 16 Dec 2023 by MaartjeSevenster
Thelymitra brevifolia (Short-leaf Sun Orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 18 Oct 2023 by MaartjeSevenster
Coronidium gunnianum (Gunn's Everlasting) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 11 Mar 2023 by MaartjeSevenster
Corunastylis cornuta (Horned Midge Orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 23 Feb 2023 by MaartjeSevenster
Cassinia aculeata subsp. aculeata (Dolly Bush, Common Cassinia, Dogwood) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 7 Jan 2023 by MaartjeSevenster
Juncus planifolius (Broad-leaved Rush) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 25 Dec 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Juncus prismatocarpus (Branching Rush) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 25 Dec 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Juncus homalocaulis (A Rush) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 23 Dec 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Luzula ovata (Pyramid Woodrush) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 18 Dec 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Lachnagrostis filiformis (Blown Grass) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 17 Dec 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Astrotricha ledifolia (Common Star-hair) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 15 Dec 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Microtis unifolia (Common Onion Orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 15 Dec 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Plantago varia (Native Plaintain) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 7 Dec 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Brachyscome diversifolia var. diversifolia (Large-headed Daisy) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 1 Dec 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Austrostipa densiflora (Foxtail Speargrass) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 19 Nov 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Thelymitra juncifolia (Dotted Sun Orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 9 Nov 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Thelymitra juncifolia (Dotted Sun Orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 8 Nov 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Thelymitra nuda (Scented Sun Orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 5 Nov 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Thelymitra brevifolia (Short-leaf Sun Orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 5 Nov 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Thelymitra megcalyptra (Swollen Sun Orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 30 Oct 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Thelymitra megcalyptra (Swollen Sun Orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 30 Oct 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Calochilus platychilus (Purple Beard Orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 29 Oct 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Scleranthus fasciculatus (Knawel) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 17 Aug 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Sisyrinchium rosulatum (Scourweed) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 14 Mar 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Linum trigynum (French Flax) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 14 Mar 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Astrotricha ledifolia (Common Star-hair) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 11 Feb 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Diplodium reflexum (Dainty Greenhood) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 9 Feb 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Corunastylis clivicola (Rufous midge orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 6 Feb 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Corunastylis cornuta (Horned Midge Orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 6 Feb 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Potentilla vesca (Alpine Strawberry) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 5 Feb 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Cassinia quinquefaria (Rosemary Cassinia) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 23 Jan 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Picris angustifolia at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 22 Jan 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Crepis capillaris (Smooth Hawksbeard) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 2 Jan 2022 by MaartjeSevenster
Thelymitra peniculata (Blue Star Sun-orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 3 Nov 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Thelymitra peniculata (Blue Star Sun-orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 3 Nov 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Thelymitra arenaria (Forest Sun Orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 1 Nov 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Diuris sulphurea (Tiger Orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 1 Nov 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Comesperma ericinum (Heath Milkwort) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 31 Oct 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Thelymitra pauciflora (Slender Sun Orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 30 Oct 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Thelymitra arenaria (Forest Sun Orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 28 Oct 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Thelymitra sp. (A Sun Orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 28 Oct 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Caladenia moschata (Musky Caps) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 24 Oct 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Thelymitra pauciflora (Slender Sun Orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 24 Oct 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Thelymitra sp. (pauciflora complex) (Sun Orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 24 Oct 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Comesperma ericinum (Heath Milkwort) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 8 Oct 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Thelymitra sp. aff. cyanapicata (Blue Top Sun-orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 6 Oct 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Thelymitra sp. aff. cyanapicata (Blue Top Sun-orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 1 Oct 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Pterostylis curta (Blunt Greenhood) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 25 Sep 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Pterostylis nutans (Nodding Greenhood) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 17 Sep 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Pultenaea microphylla (Egg and Bacon Pea) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 15 Sep 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Acrotriche serrulata (Ground-berry) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 9 Sep 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Aphanes australiana (Australian Piert) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 14 Aug 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Myriophyllum sp. (Water-milfoil) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 14 Aug 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Corunastylis cornuta (Horned Midge Orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 2 Aug 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Corysanthes hispida (Bristly Helmet Orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 2 May 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Mentha diemenica (Wild Mint, Slender Mint) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 6 Mar 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Diplodium sp. (A Greenhood) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 22 Feb 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Corunastylis clivicola (Rufous midge orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 22 Feb 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Corunastylis clivicola (Rufous midge orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 22 Feb 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Corunastylis cornuta (Horned Midge Orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 22 Feb 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Spiranthes australis (Austral Ladies Tresses) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 19 Feb 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Corunastylis cornuta (Horned Midge Orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 19 Feb 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Corunastylis clivicola (Rufous midge orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 18 Feb 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Spiranthes australis (Austral Ladies Tresses) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 8 Jan 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Lobelia gibbosa (Tall Lobelia) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 7 Jan 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Pultenaea microphylla (Egg and Bacon Pea) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 19 Dec 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Lobelia gibbosa (Tall Lobelia) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 19 Dec 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Fallopia convolvulus (Black Bindweed) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 4 Dec 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Lobelia gibbosa (Tall Lobelia) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 28 Nov 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Nothoscordum borbonicum (Onion Weed) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 26 Nov 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Goodenia hederacea (Ivy Goodenia) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 25 Nov 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Olearia tenuifolia (Narrow-leaved Daisybush) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 5 Nov 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Diuris sulphurea (Tiger Orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 2 Nov 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Rytidosperma sp. (Wallaby Grass) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 2 Nov 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Lotus angustissimus (Slender Birds Foot Trefoil) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 23 Oct 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Rytidosperma sp. (Wallaby Grass) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 19 Oct 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Polycarpon tetraphyllum (Four-leaf Allseed) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 19 Oct 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Crassula helmsii (Swamp Stonecrop) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 18 Oct 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Pimelea treyvaudii (Grey Riceflower) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 16 Oct 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Pimelea linifolia (Slender Rice Flower) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 16 Oct 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Acacia gunnii (Ploughshare Wattle) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 13 Oct 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Lobelia gibbosa (Tall Lobelia) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 13 Oct 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Drosera auriculata (Tall Sundew) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 12 Oct 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Vittadinia cuneata var. cuneata (Fuzzy New Holland Daisy) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 12 Oct 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Hymenochilus bicolor (Black-tip Greenhood) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 10 Oct 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Ranunculus sp. (Buttercup) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 28 Sep 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Lobelia gibbosa (Tall Lobelia) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 21 Sep 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Chiloglottis trapeziformis (Diamond Ant Orchid) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 21 Sep 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Billardiera scandens (Hairy Apple Berry) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 1 Sep 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Raphanus raphanistrum (Wild Radish, Jointed Charlock) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 13 Aug 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Craspedia variabilis (Common Billy Buttons) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 10 Jun 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Portulaca oleracea (Pigweed, Purslane) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 18 May 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Wahlenbergia sp. (Bluebell) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 16 May 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Opercularia hispida (Hairy Stinkweed) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 16 May 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Pultenaea subspicata (Low Bush-pea) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 16 May 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Paronychia brasiliana (Brazilian Whitlow) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 16 May 2020 by MaartjeSevenster
Diplodium truncatum (Little Dumpies, Brittle Greenhood) at MTR591 at Gundaroo - 27 Apr 2020 by MaartjeSevenster

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MTR591 at Gundaroo
  • Area (hectares) 95.07 ha
  • Survey Effort Score (SES) 3.05 sightings per ha

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