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Page 138 of 166 - image sightings only

Persicaria decipiens (Slender Knotweed) at Paddys River, ACT - 19 Feb 2017 by michaelb
Alternanthera pungens (Khaki Weed) at Parkes, ACT - 19 Feb 2017 by JanetRussell
Oenothera lindheimeri (Clockweed) at O'Malley, ACT - 17 Feb 2017 by Mike
Goodenia hederacea subsp. hederacea (Ivy Goodenia, Forest Goodenia) at Oallen, NSW - 13 Feb 2017 by JanetRussell
Eryngium ovinum (Blue Devil) at Jerrabomberra, ACT - 8 Feb 2017 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Einadia nutans (Climbing Saltbush) at Urambi Hills - 6 Feb 2017 by michaelb
Eryngium ovinum (Blue Devil) at Michelago, NSW - 5 Feb 2017 by Illilanga
Goodenia hederacea subsp. hederacea (Ivy Goodenia, Forest Goodenia) at Point 5811 - 2 Feb 2017 by JanetRussell
Dysphania pumilio (Small Crumbweed) at Parkes, ACT - 2 Feb 2017 by JanetRussell
Tribulus terrestris (Caltrop, Cat-head) at Parkes, ACT - 2 Feb 2017 by Mike
Euphorbia lathyris (Caper Spurge) at Paddys River, ACT - 1 Feb 2017 by Mike
Solanum chenopodioides (Whitetip Nightshade) at Uriarra Village, ACT - 1 Feb 2017 by Mike
Foeniculum vulgare (Fennel) at Symonston, ACT - 28 Jan 2017 by Mike
Eryngium ovinum (Blue Devil) at Isaacs Ridge Offset Area - 27 Jan 2017 by Mike
Erythranthe moschata (Musk) at Cotter River, ACT - 26 Jan 2017 by KenT
Citrullus amarus (Wild Melon, Camel Melon, Bitter Melon) at Reid, ACT - 23 Jan 2017 by JanetRussell
Oreomyrrhis sp. (A Carraway) at Bolaro, NSW - 22 Jan 2017 by DavidMcKay
Euphorbia maculata (Eyebane) at Canberra, ACT - 22 Jan 2017 by JanetRussell
Geranium sp. (Geranium) at Booth, ACT - 21 Jan 2017 by JohnBundock
Pelargonium australe (Austral Stork's-bill) at Isaacs, ACT - 21 Jan 2017 by Mike
Persicaria lapathifolia (Pale Knotweed) at Paddys River, ACT - 21 Jan 2017 by michaelb
Rorippa palustris (Marsh Watercress) at Paddys River, ACT - 21 Jan 2017 by michaelb
Lycopus australis (Native Gipsywort, Australian Gipsywort) at Paddys River, ACT - 21 Jan 2017 by galah681
Wahlenbergia graniticola (Granite Bluebell) at Acton, ACT - 20 Jan 2017 by RWPurdie
Oenothera lindheimeri (Clockweed) at Phillip, ACT - 19 Jan 2017 by MichaelMulvaney
Eryngium ovinum (Blue Devil) at Jerrabomberra, ACT - 17 Jan 2017 by Mike
Portulaca oleracea (Pigweed, Purslane) at Canberra, ACT - 17 Jan 2017 by JanetRussell
Oxypetalum coeruleum (Tweedia or Southern Star) at Fadden, ACT - 17 Jan 2017 by Jek
Hypericum sp. at Cotter River, ACT - 16 Jan 2017 by Christine
Stellaria pungens (Prickly Starwort) at Cotter River, ACT - 16 Jan 2017 by Christine
Drosera peltata (Shield Sundew) at Cotter River, ACT - 16 Jan 2017 by KenT
Eryngium ovinum (Blue Devil) at Hackett, ACT - 15 Jan 2017 by waltraud
Centaurium sp. (Centaury) at Greenleigh, NSW - 15 Jan 2017 by CCPK
Eryngium ovinum (Blue Devil) at Belconnen, ACT - 14 Jan 2017 by KMcCue
Isotoma fluviatilis subsp. australis (Swamp Isotome) at Paddys River, ACT - 13 Jan 2017 by JohnBundock
Verbascum sp. (Mullein) at Bonython, ACT - 12 Jan 2017 by michaelb
Prunella vulgaris (Self-heal, Heal All) at Paddys River, ACT - 12 Jan 2017 by JohnBundock
Lobelia dentata/gibbosa (Lobelia dentata or gibbosa) at Gundaroo, NSW - 11 Jan 2017 by MaartjeSevenster
Ajuga australis (Austral Bugle) at Tennent, ACT - 10 Jan 2017 by JohnBundock
Geranium sp. (Geranium) at Tennent, ACT - 10 Jan 2017 by JohnBundock
Veronica perfoliata (Digger's Speedwell) at Tennent, ACT - 9 Jan 2017 by JohnBundock
Wahlenbergia gloriosa (Royal Bluebell) at Tennent, ACT - 9 Jan 2017 by JohnBundock
Paronychia brasiliana (Brazilian Whitlow) at Reid, ACT - 9 Jan 2017 by JanetRussell
Acaena x ovina (Sheep's Burr) at Reid, ACT - 9 Jan 2017 by JanetRussell
Eryngium ovinum (Blue Devil) at Hughes, ACT - 9 Jan 2017 by KL
Epilobium hirtigerum (Hairy Willowherb) at Canberra, ACT - 8 Jan 2017 by JanetRussell
Eryngium ovinum (Blue Devil) at Murrumbateman, NSW - 7 Jan 2017 by SallyandPeter
Erodium crinitum (Native Crowfoot) at Paddys River, ACT - 7 Jan 2017 by michaelb
Trachymene humilis subsp. humilis (Alpine Trachymene) at Mount Clear, ACT - 7 Jan 2017 by KenT
Scleranthus biflorus (Twin-flower Knawel) at Mount Clear, ACT - 7 Jan 2017 by KenT
Saponaria officinalis (Soapwort, Bouncing Bet) at Stromlo, ACT - 7 Jan 2017 by MichaelMulvaney
Asparagus officinalis (Asparagus) at Coree, ACT - 7 Jan 2017 by MichaelMulvaney
Eryngium ovinum (Blue Devil) at Yarralumla, ACT - 7 Jan 2017 by HiHoSilver
Geum urbanum (Herb Bennet) at Mount Clear, ACT - 6 Jan 2017 by KenT
Epilobium hirtigerum (Hairy Willowherb) at Cotter River, ACT - 5 Jan 2017 by KenT
Lycopus australis (Native Gipsywort, Australian Gipsywort) at Cotter River, ACT - 5 Jan 2017 by KenT
Persicaria decipiens (Slender Knotweed) at Cotter River, ACT - 4 Jan 2017 by KenT
Alternanthera denticulata (Lesser Joyweed) at Cotter River, ACT - 4 Jan 2017 by KenT
Papaver somniferum (Opium Poppy) at Tennent, ACT - 4 Jan 2017 by michaelb
Saponaria officinalis (Soapwort, Bouncing Bet) at Paddys River, ACT - 4 Jan 2017 by michaelb
Eryngium ovinum (Blue Devil) at Boro, NSW - 4 Jan 2017 by mcleana
Hypericum gramineum (Small St Johns Wort) at Bungendore, NSW - 3 Jan 2017 by yellowboxwoodland
Haloragis heterophylla (Variable Raspwort) at Bruce, ACT - 2 Jan 2017 by RWPurdie
Veronica sp. at Gundaroo, NSW - 2 Jan 2017 by MaartjeSevenster
Saponaria officinalis (Soapwort, Bouncing Bet) at Stromlo, ACT - 2 Jan 2017 by MichaelMulvaney
Viola hederacea (Ivy-leaved Violet) at Paddys River, ACT - 1 Jan 2017 by AaronClausen
Centaurium sp. (Centaury) at Canberra Central, ACT - 31 Dec 2016 by Qwerty
Epilobium sp. (A Willow Herb) at Paddys River, ACT - 31 Dec 2016 by JohnBundock
Eryngium ovinum (Blue Devil) at Majura, ACT - 30 Dec 2016 by AaronClausen
Hypericum perforatum (St John's Wort) at Tennent, ACT - 28 Dec 2016 by michaelb
Oenothera indecora subsp. bonariensis (Small-flower Evening Primrose) at Paddys River, ACT - 28 Dec 2016 by michaelb
Hypericum gramineum (Small St Johns Wort) at Burra, NSW - 27 Dec 2016 by Safarigirl
Oenothera stricta subsp. stricta (Common Evening Primrose) at Tennent, ACT - 27 Dec 2016 by michaelb
Verbascum thapsus subsp. thapsus (Great Mullein, Aaron's Rod) at Tennent, ACT - 27 Dec 2016 by michaelb
Rorippa sp. (A watercress) at Tennent, ACT - 27 Dec 2016 by michaelb
Potentilla recta (Sulphur Cinquefoil) at Rendezvous Creek, ACT - 26 Dec 2016 by HarveyPerkins
Trachymene humilis subsp. humilis (Alpine Trachymene) at Mount Clear, ACT - 26 Dec 2016 by HarveyPerkins
Orobanche minor (Broomrape) at Watson, ACT - 25 Dec 2016 by AaronClausen
Eryngium ovinum (Blue Devil) at Watson, ACT - 25 Dec 2016 by AaronClausen
Verbascum virgatum (Green Mullein) at Isaacs, ACT - 23 Dec 2016 by Mike
Stylidium despectum (Small Trigger Plant) at Aranda, ACT - 23 Dec 2016 by RWPurdie
Lobelia browniana at Canberra Central, ACT - 22 Dec 2016 by RWPurdie
Eryngium ovinum (Blue Devil) at Kowen, ACT - 21 Dec 2016 by KenT
Argemone ochroleuca subsp. ochroleuca (Mexican Poppy, Prickly Poppy) at Greenway, ACT - 21 Dec 2016 by michaelb
Scleranthus diander (Many-flowered Knawel) at Cooma, NSW - 20 Dec 2016 by pinnaCLE
Stellaria angustifolia (Swamp Starwort) at Tennent, ACT - 19 Dec 2016 by KenT
Geum urbanum (Herb Bennet) at Tennent, ACT - 19 Dec 2016 by KenT
Hypericum japonicum (Creeping St John's Wort) at Tennent, ACT - 18 Dec 2016 by KenT
Oxypetalum coeruleum (Tweedia or Southern Star) at Jerrabomberra, NSW - 18 Dec 2016 by Wandiyali
Scleranthus biflorus (Twin-flower Knawel) at Tennent, ACT - 18 Dec 2016 by KenT
Eryngium ovinum (Blue Devil) at O'Malley, ACT - 17 Dec 2016 by Mike
Oxypetalum coeruleum (Tweedia or Southern Star) at Deakin, ACT - 17 Dec 2016 by HarveyPerkins
Goodenia pinnatifida (Scrambled Eggs) at Reid, ACT - 17 Dec 2016 by JanetRussell
Eryngium ovinum (Blue Devil) at Bungendore, NSW - 17 Dec 2016 by yellowboxwoodland
Cynoglossum australe (Australian Forget-me-not) at Googong, NSW - 17 Dec 2016 by Wandiyali
Verbascum virgatum (Green Mullein) at Paddys River, ACT - 16 Dec 2016 by JohnBundock
Scleranthus diander (Many-flowered Knawel) at Wambrook, NSW - 13 Dec 2016 by Mike
Verbascum thapsus subsp. thapsus (Great Mullein, Aaron's Rod) at Canberra Central, ACT - 10 Dec 2016 by RWPurdie
Verbascum virgatum (Green Mullein) at Canberra Central, ACT - 10 Dec 2016 by RWPurdie
Echium vulgare (Vipers Bugloss) at Pine Island to Point Hut - 10 Dec 2016 by michaelb

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