
Moderator categories

RobG1 is a moderator for the following categories:


Page 2 of 8 - image sightings only

Diplodium truncatum (Little Dumpies, Brittle Greenhood) at Marulan, NSW - 8 Apr 2024 by RobG1
Tetrigidae (family) (Pygmy grasshopper) at Marulan, NSW - 8 Apr 2024 by RobG1
Comesperma defoliatum (Leafless Milkwort) at Marulan, NSW - 8 Apr 2024 by RobG1
Lagenophora gracilis (Slender Lagenophora) at Marulan, NSW - 8 Apr 2024 by RobG1
Epithymema incomposita (Chezela group) at Marulan, NSW - 8 Apr 2024 by RobG1
Calytrix tetragona (Common Fringe-myrtle) at Marulan, NSW - 8 Apr 2024 by RobG1
Gastrimargus musicus (Yellow-winged Locust or Grasshopper) at Marulan, NSW - 8 Apr 2024 by RobG1
Inocybe violaceocaulis at Marulan, NSW - 8 Apr 2024 by RobG1
Tinzeda lobata (A katydid) at Marulan, NSW - 8 Apr 2024 by RobG1
Microtis parviflora (Slender Onion Orchid) at QPRC LGA - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Spiranthes australis (Austral Ladies Tresses) at QPRC LGA - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Trachymela sp. (genus) (Brown button beetle) at Gourock National Park - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Coronidium monticola (Mountain Button Everlasting) at Tallaganda State Forest - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Pittosporum bicolor (Banyalla) at QPRC LGA - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Blechnum penna-marina subsp. alpina (Alpine Water Fern) at QPRC LGA - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Gahnia sieberiana (Red-fruit Saw-sedge) at QPRC LGA - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Oreixenica lathoniella (Silver Xenica) at Tallaganda State Forest - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Mordellidae (family) (Unidentified pintail or tumbling flower beetle) at QPRC LGA - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Cryptobothrus chrysophorus (Golden Bandwing) at QPRC LGA - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Eucalyptus nitens (Shining Gum) at QPRC LGA - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Eulamprus tympanum (Southern Water Skink) at Jinden, NSW - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Senecio linearifolius var. arachnoideus (Cobweb Fireweed Groundsel) at QPRC LGA - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Melangyna sp. (genus) (Hover Fly) at Gourock National Park - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Apiformes (informal group) (Unidentified bee) at Gourock National Park - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Brachyscome spathulata (Coarse Daisy, Spoon-leaved Daisy) at Gourock National Park - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Lagenophora stipitata (Common Lagenophora) at Tallaganda National Park - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Labium sp. (genus) (An Ichneumon wasp) at Tallaganda National Park - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Polyscias sambucifolia subsp. Short leaflets (V.Stajsic 196) Vic. Herbarium (Elderberry Panax, Ornamental Ash, Elderberry Ash) at Tallaganda National Park - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Acrothamnus hookeri (Mountain Beard Heath) at Tallaganda National Park - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Polyscias sambucifolia subsp. Short leaflets (V.Stajsic 196) Vic. Herbarium (Elderberry Panax, Ornamental Ash, Elderberry Ash) at Anembo, NSW - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Clematis aristata (Mountain Clematis) at Anembo, NSW - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Senecio biserratus (Jagged Fireweed) at Gourock National Park - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Olearia megalophylla (Large-leaf Daisy-bush) at Gourock National Park - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Leptinella filicula (Mountain Cotula) at Gourock National Park - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Cynoglossum australe (Australian Forget-me-not) at Tallaganda State Forest - 27 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Acrothamnus hookeri (Mountain Beard Heath) at Tallaganda State Forest - 26 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Senecio hispidulus (Hill Fireweed) at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve - 22 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Diplodium laxum (Antelope greenhood) at Bungonia National Park - 18 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Pultenaea microphylla (Egg and Bacon Pea) at Bungonia National Park - 18 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Gahnia sieberiana (Red-fruit Saw-sedge) at Tallaganda State Forest - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Senecio linearifolius var. arachnoideus (Cobweb Fireweed Groundsel) at QPRC LGA - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Blechnum wattsii (Hard Water Fern) at Tallaganda State Forest - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Choretrum candollei (White Sour Bush) at QPRC LGA - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Pittosporum bicolor (Banyalla) at Tallaganda State Forest - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Olearia megalophylla (Large-leaf Daisy-bush) at QPRC LGA - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Blechnum nudum (Fishbone Water Fern) at QPRC LGA - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Goodia lotifolia (Golden Tip) at QPRC LGA - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Gratiola peruviana (Australian Brooklime) at Tallaganda State Forest - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Diplodium coccinum (Scarlet Greenhood) at Jingera, NSW - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Acrotriche leucocarpa (Tall Acrotriche) at Jingera, NSW - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Wahlenbergia stricta subsp. stricta (Tall Bluebell) at Jingera, NSW - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Xerochrysum bracteatum (Golden Everlasting) at Jingera, NSW - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Brachyscome spathulata (Coarse Daisy, Spoon-leaved Daisy) at QPRC LGA - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Leucopogon gelidus at Jingera, NSW - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Lampropholis guichenoti (Common Garden Skink) at Tallaganda State Forest - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Chlorodectes montanus (Montane green shield back katydid) at Tallaganda State Forest - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Oreixenica lathoniella (Silver Xenica) at Tallaganda State Forest - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Oreixenica lathoniella (Silver Xenica) at Tallaganda State Forest - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Chrysocephalum apiculatum (Common Everlasting) at QPRC LGA - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Choretrum pauciflorum (Dwarf Sour Bush) at Tallaganda State Forest - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Patersonia sericea var. sericea (Silky Purple-flag) at QPRC LGA - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Pomaderris phylicifolia subsp. ericoides (Narrow-leaf Pomaderris) at Tallaganda State Forest - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Taxeotis reserata (A Geometer moth) at Tallaganda State Forest - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Percassa rugifrons (Mountain Grasshopper) at Tallaganda State Forest - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Tetratheca bauerifolia (Heath Pink-bells) at Tallaganda State Forest - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Tebenna micalis (Small Thistle Moth) at Tallaganda State Forest - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Exoneura sp. (genus) (A reed bee) at Tallaganda State Forest - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Euprosopia sp. (genus) (Signal fly) at Tallaganda State Forest - 13 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Spaniopsis sp. (genus) (Biting snipe fly) at Tallaganda State Forest - 12 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Goodenia hederacea subsp. alpestris at Tallaganda State Forest - 12 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Exoneura sp. (genus) (A reed bee) at Tallaganda State Forest - 12 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Persoonia silvatica (Forest Geebung) at Tallaganda State Forest - 12 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Prostanthera lasianthos (Victorian Christmas Bush) at Tallaganda State Forest - 12 Mar 2024 by RobG1
Dispar compacta (Barred Skipper) at QPRC LGA - 21 Feb 2024 by RobG1
Acianthus exsertus (Large Mosquito Orchid) at Captains Flat, NSW - 21 Feb 2024 by RobG1
Omphalotus nidiformis (Ghost Fungus) at QPRC LGA - 21 Feb 2024 by RobG1
Plecia sp. (genus) at QPRC LGA - 21 Feb 2024 by RobG1
Diplodium decurvum (Summer greenhood) at Harolds Cross, NSW - 21 Feb 2024 by RobG1
Diplodium coccinum (Scarlet Greenhood) at Harolds Cross, NSW - 21 Feb 2024 by RobG1
Diplodium coccinum (Scarlet Greenhood) at Harolds Cross, NSW - 21 Feb 2024 by RobG1
Diplodium decurvum (Summer greenhood) at Harolds Cross, NSW - 21 Feb 2024 by RobG1
Diplodium coccinum (Scarlet Greenhood) at QPRC LGA - 21 Feb 2024 by RobG1
Chiloglottis reflexa (Short-clubbed Wasp Orchid) at Harolds Cross, NSW - 21 Feb 2024 by RobG1
Pittosporum bicolor (Banyalla) at QPRC LGA - 21 Feb 2024 by RobG1
Chiloglottis reflexa (Short-clubbed Wasp Orchid) at Captains Flat, NSW - 20 Feb 2024 by RobG1
Arrhenechthites mixtus (Purple Fireweed) at QPRC LGA - 20 Feb 2024 by RobG1
Prostanthera lasianthos (Victorian Christmas Bush) at QPRC LGA - 20 Feb 2024 by RobG1
Diplodium reflexum (Dainty Greenhood) at Jerangle, NSW - 19 Feb 2024 by RobG1
Diplodium reflexum (Dainty Greenhood) at Jerangle, NSW - 19 Feb 2024 by RobG1
Acacia genistifolia (Early Wattle) at Jerangle, NSW - 19 Feb 2024 by RobG1
Pellaea calidirupium (Hot Rock Fern) at Jerangle, NSW - 19 Feb 2024 by RobG1
Diplodium reflexum (Dainty Greenhood) at Jerangle, NSW - 19 Feb 2024 by RobG1
Acacia siculiformis (Dagger Wattle) at Jerangle, NSW - 19 Feb 2024 by RobG1
Diplodium reflexum (Dainty Greenhood) at Mount Dowling Nature Reserve - 19 Feb 2024 by RobG1
Doratifera oxleyi (Painted Cup Moth) at Mount Dowling Nature Reserve - 19 Feb 2024 by RobG1
Melichrus urceolatus (Urn Heath) at Mount Dowling Nature Reserve - 19 Feb 2024 by RobG1
Pimelea curviflora var. sericea (Curved Riceflower) at Mount Dowling Nature Reserve - 19 Feb 2024 by RobG1
Cullen microcephalum (Dusky Scurf-pea) at Mount Dowling Nature Reserve - 19 Feb 2024 by RobG1
Delias harpalyce (Imperial Jezebel) at Kowen Escarpment - 15 Feb 2024 by RobG1
Diplodium ampliatum (Large Autumn Greenhood) at Kowen Escarpment - 15 Feb 2024 by RobG1

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