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Biziura lobata (Musk Duck) at Paddys River, ACT - 5 Mar 2022 by TomW
Chrysococcyx lucidus (Shining Bronze-Cuckoo) at Paddys River, ACT - 5 Mar 2022 by TomW
Myiagra rubecula (Leaden Flycatcher) at Paddys River, ACT - 5 Mar 2022 by TomW
Burhinus grallarius (Bush Stone-curlew) at Throsby, ACT - 27 Feb 2022 by TomW
Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris (Eastern Spinebill) at Wamboin, NSW - 27 Feb 2022 by TomW
Acanthiza chrysorrhoa (Yellow-rumped Thornbill) at Wamboin, NSW - 27 Feb 2022 by TomW
Dicaeum hirundinaceum (Mistletoebird) at Wamboin, NSW - 27 Feb 2022 by TomW
Egernia cunninghami (Cunningham's Skink) at Paddys River, ACT - 5 Feb 2022 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Ceyx azureus (Azure Kingfisher) at Paddys River, ACT - 4 Feb 2022 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Ardea pacifica (White-necked Heron) at Hoskinstown, NSW - 24 Jan 2022 by TomW
Spatula rhynchotis (Australasian Shoveler) at Hoskinstown, NSW - 24 Jan 2022 by TomW
Nesoptilotis leucotis (White-eared Honeyeater) at Carwoola, NSW - 24 Jan 2022 by TomW
Eudynamys orientalis (Pacific Koel) at Griffith, ACT - 20 Jan 2022 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Microeca fascinans (Jacky Winter) at Paddys River, ACT - 20 Jan 2022 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Spilopelia chinensis (Spotted Dove) at Griffith, ACT - 19 Jan 2022 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Aphelocephala leucopsis (Southern Whiteface) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 19 Jan 2022 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Callocephalon fimbriatum (Gang-gang Cockatoo) at Griffith, ACT - 12 Jan 2022 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Mirafra javanica (Singing Bushlark) at Wallaroo, NSW - 10 Jan 2022 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Nymphicus hollandicus (Cockatiel) at Pialligo, ACT - 8 Jan 2022 by BenW
Gavicalis virescens (Singing Honeyeater) at Franklin, ACT - 7 Jan 2022 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Tiliqua rugosa (Shingleback Lizard) at Throsby, ACT - 28 Dec 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Tachybaptus novaehollandiae (Australasian Grebe) at Forde, ACT - 27 Dec 2021 by BenW
Platalea regia (Royal Spoonbill) at Fyshwick, ACT - 26 Dec 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Ptilotula penicillata (White-plumed Honeyeater) at Kingston, ACT - 22 Dec 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Biziura lobata (Musk Duck) at Wollogorang, NSW - 20 Dec 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Recurvirostra novaehollandiae (Red-necked Avocet) at Lake George, NSW - 19 Dec 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Myiagra rubecula (Leaden Flycatcher) at Coree, ACT - 14 Dec 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Stagonopleura guttata (Diamond Firetail) at Pialligo, ACT - 5 Dec 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Myzomela sanguinolenta (Scarlet Honeyeater) at Acton, ACT - 28 Nov 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Accipiter fasciatus (Brown Goshawk) at Acton, ACT - 28 Nov 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Cacatua tenuirostris (Long-billed Corella) at Coombs, ACT - 20 Nov 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Himantopus leucocephalus (Pied Stilt) at Fyshwick, ACT - 11 Nov 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Pseudonaja textilis (Eastern Brown Snake) at Cotter River, ACT - 30 Oct 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Myiagra cyanoleuca (Satin Flycatcher) at Cotter River, ACT - 30 Oct 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Actitis hypoleucos (Common Sandpiper) at Monash, ACT - 30 Oct 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Calidris ruficollis (Red-necked Stint) at Lake George, NSW - 22 Oct 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Anarhynchus ruficapillus (Red-capped Plover) at Lake George, NSW - 22 Oct 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Epthianura albifrons (White-fronted Chat) at Lake George, NSW - 22 Oct 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Pelecanus conspicillatus (Australian Pelican) at Griffith, ACT - 22 Oct 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Eurystomus orientalis (Dollarbird) at Bruce, ACT - 10 Oct 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Circus approximans (Swamp Harrier) at Rendezvous Creek, ACT - 8 Oct 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Cacomantis pallidus (Pallid Cuckoo) at Tennent, ACT - 8 Oct 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Pavo cristatus (Indian Peafowl) at Narrabundah, ACT - 8 Oct 2021 by BenW
Podiceps cristatus (Great Crested Grebe) at Coree, ACT - 3 Oct 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Philemon corniculatus (Noisy Friarbird) at Garran, ACT - 28 Sep 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Falco cenchroides (Nankeen Kestrel) at Red Hill, ACT - 28 Sep 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Callocephalon fimbriatum (Gang-gang Cockatoo) at Red Hill, ACT - 28 Sep 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Daphoenositta chrysoptera (Varied Sittella) at Pialligo, ACT - 25 Sep 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Todiramphus pyrrhopygius (Red-backed Kingfisher) at Pialligo, ACT - 25 Sep 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Callocephalon fimbriatum (Gang-gang Cockatoo) at Red Hill, ACT - 22 Sep 2021 by BenW
Callocephalon fimbriatum (Gang-gang Cockatoo) at Griffith, ACT - 3 Sep 2021 by TomW
Cracticus torquatus (Grey Butcherbird) at Garran, ACT - 3 Sep 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Cacatua sanguinea (Little Corella) at Narrabundah, ACT - 19 Aug 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Geopelia cuneata (Diamond Dove) at Booth, ACT - 8 Aug 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Geopelia placida (Peaceful Dove) at Booth, ACT - 8 Aug 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Osphranter robustus robustus (Eastern Wallaroo) at Booth, ACT - 19 Jul 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Petroica phoenicea (Flame Robin) at Booth, ACT - 19 Jul 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Bubulcus coromandus (Eastern Cattle Egret) at Dunlop, ACT - 17 Jul 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Biziura lobata (Musk Duck) at Monash, ACT - 11 Jul 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Myiagra inquieta (Restless Flycatcher) at Tennent, ACT - 6 Jul 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Melanodryas cucullata cucullata (Hooded Robin) at Tennent, ACT - 6 Jul 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Chrysococcyx basalis (Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo) at Tennent, ACT - 6 Jul 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Dacelo novaeguineae (Laughing Kookaburra) at Tennent, ACT - 6 Jul 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Phylidonyris pyrrhopterus (Crescent Honeyeater) at Coree, ACT - 3 Jul 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Petroica boodang (Scarlet Robin) at Deakin, ACT - 29 Jun 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Platycercus eximius (Eastern Rosella) at Deakin, ACT - 29 Jun 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Lichenostomus melanops (Yellow-tufted Honeyeater) at Conder, ACT - 27 Jun 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Oriolus sagittatus (Olive-backed Oriole) at Griffith, ACT - 26 Jun 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Pardalotus punctatus (Spotted Pardalote) at Red Hill, ACT - 6 Jun 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Parvipsitta pusilla (Little Lorikeet) at Hackett, ACT - 22 May 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Glossopsitta concinna (Musk Lorikeet) at Hackett, ACT - 22 May 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Hydromys chrysogaster (Rakali or Water Rat) at Yarralumla, ACT - 29 Apr 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Petroica goodenovii (Red-capped Robin) at Tennent, ACT - 25 Apr 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Lathamus discolor (Swift Parrot) at Jerrabomberra, ACT - 24 Apr 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Platalea flavipes (Yellow-billed Spoonbill) at Isabella Plains, ACT - 6 Apr 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Ardea alba (Great Egret) at Monash, ACT - 6 Apr 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Dromaius novaehollandiae (Emu) at Cotter River, ACT - 3 Apr 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Aegotheles cristatus (Australian Owlet-nightjar) at Acton, ACT - 27 Mar 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Cisticola exilis (Golden-headed Cisticola) at Fyshwick, ACT - 12 Mar 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Epthianura albifrons (White-fronted Chat) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 6 Mar 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Gallirallus philippensis (Buff-banded Rail) at Watson, ACT - 23 Jan 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Porzana fluminea (Australian Spotted Crake) at Fyshwick, ACT - 15 Jan 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Himantopus leucocephalus (Pied Stilt) at Fyshwick, ACT - 15 Jan 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Ardea pacifica (White-necked Heron) at Fyshwick, ACT - 15 Jan 2021 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Merops ornatus (Rainbow Bee-eater) at Greenway, ACT - 27 Dec 2020 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Melanodryas cucullata cucullata (Hooded Robin) at Tennent, ACT - 12 Sep 2020 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Entomyzon cyanotis (Blue-faced Honeyeater) at Curtin, ACT - 2 Aug 2020 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Spatula clypeata (Northern Shoveler) at Fyshwick, ACT - 25 Jul 2020 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Ptilonorhynchus violaceus (Satin Bowerbird) at Griffith, ACT - 18 Jul 2020 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Oxyura australis (Blue-billed Duck) at Fyshwick, ACT - 15 Jul 2020 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Eopsaltria australis (Eastern Yellow Robin) at Acton, ACT - 12 Jul 2020 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Nesoptilotis leucotis (White-eared Honeyeater) at Carwoola, NSW - 2 Jul 2020 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Notamacropus rufogriseus (Red-necked Wallaby) at Amaroo, ACT - 13 Jun 2020 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Petroica boodang (Scarlet Robin) at Forde, ACT - 13 Jun 2020 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Cormobates leucophaea (White-throated Treecreeper) at Amaroo, ACT - 13 Jun 2020 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Oriolus sagittatus (Olive-backed Oriole) at Curtin, ACT - 2 Jun 2020 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Falco longipennis (Australian Hobby) at Garran, ACT - 2 Jun 2020 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Pyrrholaemus sagittatus (Speckled Warbler) at Deakin, ACT - 31 May 2020 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Petroica boodang (Scarlet Robin) at Deakin, ACT - 31 May 2020 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris (Eastern Spinebill) at Curtin, ACT - 2 Apr 2020 by tom.tomward@gmail.com

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