Dysbatus singularis

Dry-country Line-moth at Melba, ACT

Dysbatus singularis at Melba, ACT - 23 Dec 2017
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Identification history

Dysbatus singularis 23 Feb 2020 donhe
Dysbatus singularis 23 Feb 2020 ibaird
Dysbatus stenodesma 23 Feb 2020 donhe
Dysbatus undescribed species 23 Feb 2020 Bron

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donhe wrote:
   24 Feb 2020
For our two Dysbatus species: I see 5 black lines across the forewing: -
No. 1 very jagged and usually incomplete, terminating at the apex,
No. 5 incomplete and sometimes obsolete, near the base.
In D. singularis: Nos. 3 and 4 are closer together than in D. stenodesma.
This specimen, 4250672, has them well apart, so I think it is D. stenodesma.
ibaird wrote:
   24 Feb 2020
I am suggesting D. singularis bacause the thin black line extending from the wingtip of the forewing is not curved and does not extend as far as almost the outer transverse line across the forewing. See'file 'Separating Dysbatus species' which accompanies MoV Part5. Also the other criteria suggested there to tme also favour D. singularis rather than Dysbatus sp. (genus)

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Nearby sightings

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Diarsia intermixta (Chevron Cutworm, Orange Peel Moth.) at Melba, ACT - 6 Mar 2021 by Bron
Isochorista ranulana (A Tortricid moth) at Melba, ACT - 6 Mar 2021 by Bron
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Location information

Sighting information

  • 1 - 3 Abundance
  • 23 Dec 2017 11:16 PM Recorded on
  • Bron Recorded by

Additional information

  • 12mm to 25mm Animal size

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  • More than one media file
  • Verified by an expert moderator
  • Nearby sighting(s) of same species
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