Erythrogonys cinctus

Red-kneed Dotterel at Fyshwick, ACT

Erythrogonys cinctus at Fyshwick, ACT - 1 Oct 2018
Erythrogonys cinctus at Fyshwick, ACT - 1 Oct 2018
Erythrogonys cinctus at Fyshwick, ACT - 1 Oct 2018
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Identification history

Erythrogonys cinctus 2 Oct 2018 ArcherCallaway
Erythrogonys cinctus 1 Oct 2018 RodDeb

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Nearby sightings

Page 4 of 6 - image sightings only

Porzana fluminea (Australian Spotted Crake) at Fyshwick, ACT - 13 Jan 2019 by RodDeb
Egretta garzetta (Little Egret) at Fyshwick, ACT - 13 Jan 2019 by Valerate
Gallinago hardwickii (Latham's Snipe) at Fyshwick, ACT - 12 Jan 2019 by RodDeb
Porzana fluminea (Australian Spotted Crake) at Fyshwick, ACT - 10 Jan 2019 by natureguy
Ardea alba (Great Egret) at Fyshwick, ACT - 7 Jan 2019 by roymcd
Platalea regia (Royal Spoonbill) at Fyshwick, ACT - 7 Jan 2019 by roymcd
Egretta garzetta (Little Egret) at Fyshwick, ACT - 5 Jan 2019 by RodDeb
Elanus axillaris (Black-shouldered Kite) at Fyshwick, ACT - 5 Jan 2019 by RodDeb
Zanda funerea (Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo) at Fyshwick, ACT - 4 Jan 2019 by Valerate
Oryctolagus cuniculus (European Rabbit) at Fyshwick, ACT - 3 Jan 2019 by WarrenRowland
Pachycephala rufiventris (Rufous Whistler) at Fyshwick, ACT - 2 Jan 2019 by RodDeb
Platalea regia (Royal Spoonbill) at Fyshwick, ACT - 2 Jan 2019 by KumikoCallaway
Delena cancerides (Social huntsman spider) at Fyshwick, ACT - 1 Jan 2019 by RodDeb
Oryctolagus cuniculus (European Rabbit) at Fyshwick, ACT - 1 Jan 2019 by RodDeb
Spatula rhynchotis (Australasian Shoveler) at Fyshwick, ACT - 30 Dec 2018 by MatthewFrawley
Ptilonorhynchus violaceus (Satin Bowerbird) at Fyshwick, ACT - 25 Dec 2018 by frostydog
Platalea regia (Royal Spoonbill) at Fyshwick, ACT - 25 Dec 2018 by RodDeb
Platalea regia (Royal Spoonbill) at Fyshwick, ACT - 23 Dec 2018 by Christine
Helea ovata (Pie-dish beetle) at Fyshwick, ACT - 23 Dec 2018 by RodDeb
Zosterops lateralis (Silvereye) at Fyshwick, ACT - 21 Dec 2018 by RodDeb
Pachycephala rufiventris (Rufous Whistler) at Fyshwick, ACT - 21 Dec 2018 by RodDeb
Gallinago hardwickii (Latham's Snipe) at Fyshwick, ACT - 21 Dec 2018 by RodDeb
Ardea alba (Great Egret) at Fyshwick, ACT - 21 Dec 2018 by RodDeb
Zanda funerea (Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo) at Fyshwick, ACT - 17 Dec 2018 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Zosterops lateralis (Silvereye) at Fyshwick, ACT - 16 Dec 2018 by Christine
Acrocephalus australis (Australian Reed-Warbler) at Fyshwick, ACT - 16 Dec 2018 by Christine
Malurus cyaneus (Superb Fairywren) at Fyshwick, ACT - 16 Dec 2018 by Christine
Rumex crispus (Curled Dock) at Fyshwick, ACT - 16 Dec 2018 by Christine
Anas gracilis (Grey Teal) at Fyshwick, ACT - 16 Dec 2018 by Christine
Scrobiger splendidus (Clerid beetle) at Fyshwick, ACT - 16 Dec 2018 by RodDeb
Rhipidura leucophrys (Willie Wagtail) at Fyshwick, ACT - 16 Dec 2018 by RodDeb
Egretta novaehollandiae (White-faced Heron) at Fyshwick, ACT - 16 Dec 2018 by RodDeb
Gallinago hardwickii (Latham's Snipe) at Fyshwick, ACT - 15 Dec 2018 by tom.tomward@gmail.com
Zosterops lateralis (Silvereye) at Fyshwick, ACT - 13 Dec 2018 by RodDeb
Platalea regia (Royal Spoonbill) at Fyshwick, ACT - 13 Dec 2018 by RodDeb
Chelodina longicollis (Eastern Long-necked Turtle) at Fyshwick, ACT - 13 Dec 2018 by RodDeb
Turdus merula (Eurasian Blackbird) at Fyshwick, ACT - 13 Dec 2018 by RodDeb
Elanus axillaris (Black-shouldered Kite) at Fyshwick, ACT - 13 Dec 2018 by RodDeb
Tipulidae or Limoniidae (family) (Unidentified Crane Fly) at Fyshwick, ACT - 6 Dec 2018 by RodDeb
Gallinago hardwickii (Latham's Snipe) at Fyshwick, ACT - 2 Dec 2018 by RodDeb
Macropus giganteus (Eastern Grey Kangaroo) at Fyshwick, ACT - 2 Dec 2018 by RodDeb
Malurus cyaneus (Superb Fairywren) at Fyshwick, ACT - 29 Nov 2018 by RodDeb
Gallinago hardwickii (Latham's Snipe) at Fyshwick, ACT - 27 Nov 2018 by Christine
Paropsisterna beata (Blessed Leaf Beetle) at Fyshwick, ACT - 24 Nov 2018 by Christine
Todiramphus sanctus (Sacred Kingfisher) at Fyshwick, ACT - 24 Nov 2018 by RodDeb
Chrysococcyx basalis (Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo) at Fyshwick, ACT - 24 Nov 2018 by RodDeb
Dasypodia selenophora (Southern old lady moth) at Fyshwick, ACT - 20 Nov 2018 by RodDeb
Acrocephalus australis (Australian Reed-Warbler) at Fyshwick, ACT - 20 Nov 2018 by RodDeb
Macropus giganteus (Eastern Grey Kangaroo) at Fyshwick, ACT - 17 Nov 2018 by roymcd
Turneromyia sp. (genus) (Zebra spider wasp) at Fyshwick, ACT - 16 Nov 2018 by Christine
Egretta novaehollandiae (White-faced Heron) at Fyshwick, ACT - 15 Nov 2018 by RodDeb
Gallinago hardwickii (Latham's Snipe) at Fyshwick, ACT - 15 Nov 2018 by RodDeb
Acanthiza pusilla (Brown Thornbill) at Fyshwick, ACT - 15 Nov 2018 by RodDeb
Pachycephala rufiventris (Rufous Whistler) at Fyshwick, ACT - 15 Nov 2018 by RodDeb
Cygnus atratus (Black Swan) at Fyshwick, ACT - 15 Nov 2018 by RodDeb
Gallinago hardwickii (Latham's Snipe) at Fyshwick, ACT - 10 Nov 2018 by MatthewFrawley
Gallinago hardwickii (Latham's Snipe) at Fyshwick, ACT - 10 Nov 2018 by RodDeb
Platalea regia (Royal Spoonbill) at Fyshwick, ACT - 10 Nov 2018 by RodDeb
Phalacrocorax carbo (Great Cormorant) at Fyshwick, ACT - 10 Nov 2018 by RodDeb
Todiramphus sanctus (Sacred Kingfisher) at Fyshwick, ACT - 4 Nov 2018 by RodDeb
Todiramphus sanctus (Sacred Kingfisher) at Fyshwick, ACT - 4 Nov 2018 by MatthewFrawley
Anas gracilis (Grey Teal) at Fyshwick, ACT - 4 Nov 2018 by MatthewFrawley
Stictonetta naevosa (Freckled Duck) at Fyshwick, ACT - 4 Nov 2018 by MatthewFrawley
Anas castanea (Chestnut Teal) at Fyshwick, ACT - 30 Oct 2018 by KumikoCallaway
Gallinago hardwickii (Latham's Snipe) at Fyshwick, ACT - 30 Oct 2018 by KumikoCallaway
Psephotus haematonotus (Red-rumped Parrot) at Fyshwick, ACT - 28 Oct 2018 by RodDeb
Anas castanea (Chestnut Teal) at Fyshwick, ACT - 21 Oct 2018 by RodDeb
Tachybaptus novaehollandiae (Australasian Grebe) at Fyshwick, ACT - 14 Oct 2018 by RodDeb
Spatula rhynchotis (Australasian Shoveler) at Fyshwick, ACT - 14 Oct 2018 by RodDeb
Columba livia (Rock Dove (Feral Pigeon)) at Fyshwick, ACT - 12 Oct 2018 by RodDeb
Gallinago hardwickii (Latham's Snipe) at Fyshwick, ACT - 9 Oct 2018 by RodDeb
Erythrogonys cinctus (Red-kneed Dotterel) at Fyshwick, ACT - 9 Oct 2018 by RodDeb
Phalacrocorax sulcirostris (Little Black Cormorant) at Fyshwick, ACT - 9 Oct 2018 by RodDeb
Tachybaptus novaehollandiae (Australasian Grebe) at Fyshwick, ACT - 6 Oct 2018 by BIrdsinCanberra
Corvus coronoides (Australian Raven) at Fyshwick, ACT - 6 Oct 2018 by BIrdsinCanberra
Macropus giganteus (Eastern Grey Kangaroo) at Fyshwick, ACT - 5 Oct 2018 by RodDeb
Poodytes gramineus (Little Grassbird) at Fyshwick, ACT - 1 Oct 2018 by RodDeb
Zapornia pusilla (Baillon's Crake) at Fyshwick, ACT - 1 Oct 2018 by RodDeb
Elanus axillaris (Black-shouldered Kite) at Fyshwick, ACT - 29 Sep 2018 by RodDeb
Spatula rhynchotis (Australasian Shoveler) at Fyshwick, ACT - 18 Sep 2018 by jbromilow50
Malacorhynchus membranaceus (Pink-eared Duck) at Fyshwick, ACT - 17 Sep 2018 by RodDeb
Spatula rhynchotis (Australasian Shoveler) at Fyshwick, ACT - 17 Sep 2018 by RodDeb
Rhipidura albiscapa (Grey Fantail) at Fyshwick, ACT - 16 Sep 2018 by RodDeb
Oryctolagus cuniculus (European Rabbit) at Fyshwick, ACT - 16 Sep 2018 by RodDeb
Tyto alba (Barn Owl) at Fyshwick, ACT - 15 Sep 2018 by roymcd
Anas castanea (Chestnut Teal) at Fyshwick, ACT - 15 Sep 2018 by RodDeb
Fulica atra (Eurasian Coot) at Fyshwick, ACT - 12 Sep 2018 by roymcd
Erodium cicutarium (Common Storksbill, Common Crowfoot) at Fyshwick, ACT - 10 Sep 2018 by PeteWoodall
Spatula rhynchotis (Australasian Shoveler) at Fyshwick, ACT - 9 Sep 2018 by Christine
Egretta novaehollandiae (White-faced Heron) at Fyshwick, ACT - 7 Sep 2018 by RodDeb
Egretta novaehollandiae (White-faced Heron) at Fyshwick, ACT - 6 Sep 2018 by RodDeb
Microcarbo melanoleucos (Little Pied Cormorant) at Fyshwick, ACT - 6 Sep 2018 by RodDeb
Erodium cicutarium (Common Storksbill, Common Crowfoot) at Fyshwick, ACT - 5 Sep 2018 by RodDeb
Apis mellifera (European honey bee) at Fyshwick, ACT - 5 Sep 2018 by RodDeb
Pieris rapae (Cabbage White) at Fyshwick, ACT - 5 Sep 2018 by RodDeb
Tyto alba (Barn Owl) at Fyshwick, ACT - 29 Aug 2018 by roymcd
Neochmia temporalis (Red-browed Finch) at Jerrabomberra Wetlands - 25 Aug 2018 by RodDeb
Spatula rhynchotis (Australasian Shoveler) at Fyshwick, ACT - 16 Jul 2018 by RodDeb
Zosterops lateralis (Silvereye) at Fyshwick, ACT - 2 Jul 2018 by Alison Milton
Zapornia tabuensis (Spotless Crake) at Fyshwick, ACT - 24 Jun 2018 by MatthewFrawley

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Location information

Sighting information

  • 2 Abundance
  • 1 Oct 2018 02:46 PM Recorded on
  • RodDeb Recorded by

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