Cardiaspina tenuitela

Yellow box lace lerp at Garran, ACT

Cardiaspina tenuitela at Garran, ACT - 10 Sep 2018
Cardiaspina tenuitela at Garran, ACT - 10 Sep 2018
Cardiaspina tenuitela at Garran, ACT - 10 Sep 2018
Cardiaspina tenuitela at Garran, ACT - 10 Sep 2018
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Identification history

Cardiaspina tenuitela 10 Oct 2018 RogerF
Cardiaspina tenuitela 9 Oct 2018 KimPullen
Cardiaspina albitextura 12 Sep 2018 RogerF
Lasiopsylla rotundipennis 12 Sep 2018 ruthkerruish

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User's notes

Is this yellowbox lerp? All the leaves which could be observed on 6-8 trees in poor health, due to drought, fires were affected.


RogerF wrote:
   13 Sep 2018
Are you sure the trees are yellow box and not Blakely's red Gum. These lerp are not Lasiopsylla.
ruthkerruish wrote:
   14 Sep 2018
2 people thought they were yellow box. I have added images of the trees and the bark. Hopefully you can make a positive identification without the flowers. We do have Blakely's red gum in HGW.
KimPullen wrote:
   15 Sep 2018
According to David Hollis's book 'Australian Psylloidea' (ABRS, 2004), 8 spp of psyllids including Cardiaspina tenuitela and Lasiopsylla rorundipennis are recorded from Euc melliodora. I think these look more like the Lasiopsylla.
RogerF wrote:
   16 Sep 2018
Lasiopsylla lerps are dense and woolly looking. In fact infested host trees look dripping like snow. There are some pictures in my leaflets on insect pests of farm trees produced many years ago. I don't have access them at the moment as I am in the Daintree. I still think the lerps pictured are white lace lerps in the genus Cardiaspina. If they are on E . melliodora then they are C tenuitela, as suggested, that is also pictured in the leaflets. As the pictures show, the lerps are more rectangular (tenuitella) than oval (albitextura). Close-ups of lerps are always helpful for identification.
KimPullen wrote:
   10 Oct 2018
Sounds good, Roger. I've put forward C. tenuitela as a suggestion.
ruthkerruish wrote:
   10 Oct 2018
Keep arguing - all young growth ( young trees and suckers from the base of fire burnt trees) are severely affected to the extent that HGW members have become worried about it. We have a program to remove the suckers (not because of the lerp) and young trees will outgrow the problem. Maybe I should take more photos.
RogerF wrote:
   11 Oct 2018
I have had a look at my leaflets and can confirm tenuitela on yellow box
ruthkerruish wrote:
   11 Oct 2018
Does it have an accepted common name? It confusing for it to have the same accepted common name as Lasiopsylla rotundipennis.

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Location information

Sighting information

  • 1,001 - 10,000 Abundance
  • 10 Sep 2018 03:28 PM Recorded on
  • ruthkerruish Recorded by

Additional information

  • Less than 5mm Animal size

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