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Servaea incana
Neosparassus calligaster
Thomisidae (family)
Phonognathidae (family)
Deliochus pulcher
Phonognatha graeffei
Trichonephila edulis
Hortophora sp. (genus)
Delena cancerides
Tasmanicosa sp. (genus)
Unidentified Jumping or peacock spider (Salticidae)
Badumna insignis
Isopeda or Isopedella sp. (genus)
Neosparassus sp. (genus)
Isopedella pessleri
Apricia jovialis
Argiope sp. (genus)
Lehtinelagia sp. (genus)
Unidentified Other web-building spider
Arkys walckenaeri
Australomimetus sp. (genus)
Oxyopes sp. (genus)
Desidae (Family)
Dolophones sp. (genus)
Helpis sp. (genus)
Cymbacha sp (genus)
Sandalodes sp. (genus)
Unidentified Wolf spider (Lycosidae)
Stanwellia sp. (genus)
Cryptachaea veruculata
Isopeda canberrana
Unidentified Spider (Araneae)
Opisthoncus sp. (genus)
Unidentified Other hunting spider
Badumna sp. (genus)
Tetragnatha sp. (genus)
Araneus albotriangulus
Maratus hesperus
Plebs bradleyi
Latrodectus hasselti
Theridion pyramidale
Philoponella congregabilis
Araneidae (family)
Araneus eburnus
Helpis minitabunda
Opisthoncus sexmaculatus
Missulena occatoria
Tamopsis sp. (genus)
Maratus calcitrans
Australomisidia rosea
Salticidae sp. 'Golden palps'
Holoplatys sp. (genus)
Lycosidae (family)
Maratus chrysomelas
Simaethula sp. (genus)
Arkys sp. (genus)
Storosa obscura
Unidentified Spider
Salticidae (family)
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