Ajuga australis

Austral Bugle at Molonglo Valley, ACT

Ajuga australis at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 19 Jun 2020
Ajuga australis at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 19 Jun 2020
Ajuga australis at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 19 Jun 2020
Ajuga australis at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 19 Jun 2020
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Identification history

Ajuga australis 24 Jun 2020 MichaelMulvaney
Ajuga australis 17 Jun 2020 galah681
Ajuga reptans 17 Jun 2020 JanetRussell

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User's notes

Planted. I have taken a specimen to the ANBG this morning, 21 June 20. Diameter of plants is about 30 cm (leaves to c17 cm - random selection from one plant). The stems were growing at 45 degree angle. They are much more robust plants than A. australis.


galah681 wrote:
   17 Jun 2020
Probably Ajuga australis. The leaves of Ajuga reptans are broader and without the wavy edges.
michaelb wrote:
   18 Jun 2020
Was this a planted specimen?
AndyRussell wrote:
   18 Jun 2020
michaelb wrote:
   18 Jun 2020
Hi Andy, please confirm the species.
AndyRussell wrote:
   18 Jun 2020
STEP did not plant or acquire these plants, they were planted by the Arboretum as was the whole of the Bush Tucker Garden. STEP is looking after this area now.
I will take a close look at leaf formation tomorrow. They have grown far more vigorously than what we have seen in the local Bush like on Mount Ainslie
michaelb wrote:
   20 Jun 2020
Confirmation Undone for now. I got the following email from Janet:
Hello Michael
Marg, Andy and I went to STEP today. We took this sample and I will take it to the ANBG tomorrow. Marg has the same opinion as Andy and I. We don’t believe is A. australis.
JanetRussell wrote:
   20 Jun 2020
Thanks Michael
JanetRussell wrote:
   21 Jun 2020
Please see edited author's notes.
galah681 wrote:
   21 Jun 2020
I have uploaded a photo of Ajuga australis (sighting 4262669) taken on Farrer Ridge in 2010 when there was a lot of rain. It was very large and lush. The plants in the BTG may be large because of good growing conditions.
JanetRussell wrote:
   25 Jun 2020
I have received the result from the ANBG and Dave Abrecht has confirmed it as Ajuga australis: -

"Ajuga australis is an incredibly variable species and I think your sample falls within the range of variation exhibited by that species. I suspect the species will be subdivided in the future as there are several quite distinct forms.

Ajuga reptans in similar but the underside of mature leaves lack hairs (distinctly hairy in your specimen) and plants develop leafy stolons that develop roots at the nodes. Two non-flowering stolons are evident on the left hand specimen shown in the attached file. Those stolons appear to be ascending in the pressed specimen, but that is an artefact of the pressing process – they would have been spreading along the soil surface."

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Location information

Sighting information

  • 22 Abundance
  • 19 Jun 2020 05:04 PM Recorded on
  • JanetRussell Recorded by

Additional information

  • 10cm to 30cm Plant height
  • True In flower

Species information

  • Ajuga australis Scientific name
  • Austral Bugle Common name
  • Not Sensitive
  • Local native
  • Non-Invasive
  • Up to 1321.09m Recorded at altitude
  • Machine learning
  • In flower

Record quality

  • Images or audio
  • More than one media file
  • Confirmed by an expert moderator
  • Nearby sighting(s) of same species
  • GPS evidence of location
  • Description
  • Additional attributes
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