Bimberi Nature Reserve sightings


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Podolepis laciniata at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 28 Feb 2024 by RAllen
Senecio linearifolius (Fireweed Groundsel, Fireweed) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 28 Feb 2024 by RAllen
Podolepis laciniata at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 28 Feb 2024 by RAllen
Baeckea gunniana (Alpine Baeckea) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 25 Feb 2024 by Tapirlord
Crassula sieberiana (Austral Stonecrop) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 25 Feb 2024 by Tapirlord
Luzula ovata (Pyramid Woodrush) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 25 Feb 2024 by Tapirlord
Veronica perfoliata (Digger's Speedwell) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 25 Feb 2024 by Tapirlord
Epilobium billardiereanum subsp. cinereum (Variable Willow-herb) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 25 Feb 2024 by Tapirlord
Deyeuxia carinata (Slender Bent-Grass) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 25 Feb 2024 by Tapirlord
Brachyscome aculeata (Hill Daisy) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 24 Feb 2024 by JimL
Oxylobium ellipticum (Common Shaggy Pea) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 24 Feb 2024 by JimL
Leucochrysum alpinum (Alpine Sunray) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 24 Feb 2024 by JimL
Cardamine lilacina (Lilac Bitter-cress) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 17 Feb 2024 by BethanyDunne
Polystichum proliferum (Mother Shield Fern) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 17 Feb 2024 by BethanyDunne
Melicytus angustifolius subsp. divaricatus (Divaricate Tree Violet) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 17 Feb 2024 by BethanyDunne
Verbascum virgatum (Green Mullein) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 2 Feb 2024 by lbradley
Crassula sieberiana (Austral Stonecrop) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 2 Feb 2024 by lbradley
Rytidosperma sp. (Wallaby Grass) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 2 Feb 2024 by lbradley
Leucochrysum alpinum (Alpine Sunray) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 2 Feb 2024 by lbradley
Brachyscome spathulata (Coarse Daisy, Spoon-leaved Daisy) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 2 Feb 2024 by lbradley
Brachyscome aculeata (Hill Daisy) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 2 Feb 2024 by lbradley
Coronidium monticola (Mountain Button Everlasting) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 2 Feb 2024 by lbradley
Olearia erubescens (Silky Daisybush) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 2 Feb 2024 by lbradley
Acaena novae-zelandiae (Bidgee Widgee) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 2 Feb 2024 by lbradley
Pelargonium inodorum (Kopata) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 21 Jan 2024 by jeremyahagan
Brachyscome aculeata (Hill Daisy) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 11 Jan 2024 by WalterEgo
Podolepis robusta (Alpine Podolepis) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 11 Jan 2024 by WalterEgo
Brachyscome spathulata (Coarse Daisy, Spoon-leaved Daisy) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 12 Nov 2023 by Steve818
Hymenochilus muticus (Midget Greenhood) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 18 Oct 2023 by AJB
Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. debeuzevillei (A Snow Gum) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 3 Oct 2023 by Steve818
Comesperma retusum (Mountain Milkwort) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 14 Apr 2023 by Tapirlord
Picris angustifolia subsp. merxmuelleri at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 14 Apr 2023 by Tapirlord
Wahlenbergia ceracea (Waxy Bluebell) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 14 Apr 2023 by Tapirlord
Olearia algida (Alpine Daisy Bush) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 14 Apr 2023 by Tapirlord
Celmisia sp. Pulchella (M.Gray & C.Totterdell 7079) Australian National Herbarium (Narrow-leaved Snow Daisy) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 14 Apr 2023 by Tapirlord
Juncus falcatus (Sickle-leaf Rush) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 14 Apr 2023 by Tapirlord
Empodisma minus (Spreading Rope-rush) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 14 Apr 2023 by Tapirlord
Oreomyrrhis eriopoda (Australian Carraway) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 31 Mar 2023 by JohnBundock
Cassinia monticola (Mountain Cassinia) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 26 Feb 2023 by Tapirlord
Podolepis robusta (Alpine Podolepis) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 19 Feb 2023 by Tapirlord
Arthropodium milleflorum (Vanilla Lily) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 19 Feb 2023 by Tapirlord
Wahlenbergia stricta subsp. stricta (Tall Bluebell) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 19 Feb 2023 by Tapirlord
Thynninorchis huntianus (Common Elbow Orchid) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 26 Jan 2023 by MattM
Pimelea ligustrina subsp. ciliata at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 26 Jan 2023 by MattM
Podolepis jaceoides (Showy Copper-wire Daisy) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 10 Jan 2023 by RAllen
Pimelea glauca (Smooth Rice Flower) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 10 Jan 2023 by RAllen
Leucochrysum alpinum (Alpine Sunray) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 8 Jan 2023 by MatthewFrawley
Prasophyllum tadgellianum (Tadgell's leek orchid) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 8 Jan 2023 by Tapirlord
Stellaria pungens (Prickly Starwort) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 7 Jan 2023 by MatthewFrawley
Aciphylla simplicifolia (Mountain Aciphyll) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 7 Jan 2023 by MatthewFrawley
Senecio pinnatifolius var. alpinus at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 7 Jan 2023 by Tapirlord
Aciphylla simplicifolia (Mountain Aciphyll) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 7 Jan 2023 by Tapirlord
Lobelia pedunculata (Matted Pratia) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 7 Jan 2023 by Tapirlord
Choretrum pauciflorum (Dwarf Sour Bush) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 2 Jan 2023 by JaneR
Veronica calycina (Hairy Speedwell) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 2 Jan 2023 by JaneR
Ranunculus lappaceus (Australian Buttercup) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 2 Jan 2023 by JaneR
Blechnum nudum (Fishbone Water Fern) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 2 Jan 2023 by JaneR
Stackhousia viminea (Slender Stackhousia) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 2 Jan 2023 by JaneR
Lobelia pedunculata (Matted Pratia) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 2 Jan 2023 by JaneR
Podolobium alpestre (Shaggy Alpine Pea) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 2 Jan 2023 by JaneR
Cardamine lilacina (Lilac Bitter-cress) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 10 Dec 2022 by MattM
Olearia phlogopappa subsp. flavescens (Dusty Daisy Bush) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 10 Dec 2022 by MattM
Olearia phlogopappa subsp. flavescens (Dusty Daisy Bush) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 9 Dec 2022 by Pirom
Chiloglottis valida (Large Bird Orchid) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 7 Dec 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Pimelea glauca (Smooth Rice Flower) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 7 Dec 2022 by Tapirlord
Poa sp. (A Snow Grass) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 7 Dec 2022 by Tapirlord
Wahlenbergia multicaulis (Tadgell's Bluebell) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 7 Dec 2022 by Tapirlord
Plantago hispida (Hairy Plantain) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 7 Dec 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Leionema lamprophyllum subsp. obovatum (Shiny Phebalium) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 7 Dec 2022 by Tapirlord
Leucochrysum alpinum (Alpine Sunray) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 7 Dec 2022 by Tapirlord
Goodenia hederacea subsp. alpestris at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 7 Dec 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Microseris lanceolata (Yam Daisy) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 7 Dec 2022 by Tapirlord
Lobelia pedunculata (Matted Pratia) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 7 Dec 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Leucopogon fraseri (Sharp Beard-heath) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 7 Dec 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Carex breviculmis (Short-Stem Sedge) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 7 Dec 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Cardamine lilacina (Lilac Bitter-cress) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 7 Dec 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Asplenium flabellifolium (Necklace Fern) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 7 Dec 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Melicytus angustifolius subsp. divaricatus (Divaricate Tree Violet) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 7 Dec 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Cardamine lilacina (Lilac Bitter-cress) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 7 Dec 2022 by Tapirlord
Stylidium montanum (Alpine Triggerplant) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 7 Dec 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Senecio pinnatifolius var. alpinus at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 7 Dec 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Rhodanthe anthemoides (Chamomile Sunray) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 7 Dec 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Leionema lamprophyllum subsp. obovatum (Shiny Phebalium) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 7 Dec 2022 by Tapirlord
Bossiaea foliosa (Leafy Bossiaea) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 6 Dec 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Chiloglottis sp. (A Bird/Wasp Orchid) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 6 Dec 2022 by Tapirlord
Tetratheca bauerifolia (Heath Pink-bells) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 6 Dec 2022 by Ned_Johnston
Bedfordia arborescens (Blanket Bush) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 6 Dec 2022 by Tapirlord
Podocarpus lawrencei (Mountain Plum Pine) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 6 Dec 2022 by Tapirlord
Prostanthera cuneata (Alpine Mint Bush) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 6 Dec 2022 by Tapirlord
Polystichum proliferum (Mother Shield Fern) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 6 Dec 2022 by Tapirlord
Cardamine lilacina (Lilac Bitter-cress) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 6 Dec 2022 by Tapirlord
Chiloglottis valida (Large Bird Orchid) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 6 Dec 2022 by Tapirlord
Tasmannia xerophila subsp. xerophila (Alpine Pepperbush) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 6 Dec 2022 by Tapirlord
Asperula pusilla (Alpine Woodruff) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 6 Dec 2022 by Tapirlord
Polyscias sambucifolia subsp. Short leaflets (V.Stajsic 196) Vic. Herbarium (Elderberry Panax, Ornamental Ash, Elderberry Ash) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 18 Aug 2022 by WalterEgo
Podolobium alpestre (Shaggy Alpine Pea) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 24 Jul 2022 by Tapirlord
Podocarpus lawrencei (Mountain Plum Pine) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 24 Jul 2022 by Tapirlord
Brachyscome decipiens (Field Daisy) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 30 Mar 2022 by RAllen
Corysanthes hispida (Bristly Helmet Orchid) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 28 Mar 2022 by RobG1
Diplodium coccinum (Scarlet Greenhood) at Bimberi Nature Reserve - 28 Mar 2022 by RobG1

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